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  1. #21
    Join Date
    9th June 05
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    Great inexpensive kilt from Ebay

    I recently purchased one of the Stillwater Heavyweight kilts( Black Watch Tartan) off Ebay for under $100. It is one nice kilt and the overall construction is first class using 8 yards of a very substantial fabric that looks and feels like wool. Candidly, this is as close to a traditional kilt as you can get and I wouldn't hesitate to wear this on a dress occasion. Anyone that is close enough to you to discern that it is not 100% wool better be your wife or girlfriend. :grin:

  2. #22
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terry
    I recently purchased one of the Stillwater Heavyweight kilts( Black Watch Tartan) off Ebay for under $100. It is one nice kilt and the overall construction is first class using 8 yards of a very substantial fabric that looks and feels like wool. Candidly, this is as close to a traditional kilt as you can get and I wouldn't hesitate to wear this on a dress occasion. Anyone that is close enough to you to discern that it is not 100% wool better be your wife or girlfriend. :grin:
    Good call, man.

    I own Stillwater's and love them... and I make kilts! The things are just too easy to order, and too easy to maintain. Why ruin my own creations when I can spend next-to-nothing and have something that I'll gladly be seen in. The "heavy weights" ARE indeed nice enough to wear to a nice event.

    I STILL continue to give them their "props" for these offerings. No one else is doing what they're doing!!!
    Arise. Kill. Eat.

  3. #23
    ok, that's it. next spare $100 i get, it's going to be a stillwater heavyweight black/shadow tartan. you guys have convinced me. and to think that i came THIS close (holds finger and thumb very close together indeed) to forgoing to Sportkilt even, and buying a $35 kilt off of ebay. i have my older brother to thank. he looked at it, wrinkled his nose, said, "it can't be very good..."

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