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Thread: Sword Question?

  1. #1
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    A good sword should come with the contraption, that's where the word comes from, for carrying it. It'll will be a shoulder strap over the opposite shoulder. My opinion, unless it's a renfair, it looks tacky.
    There's an annual celtic music event here and one of the organizers walks around with one and it's really out of place.

    That said, a Selkirk sword is on my wish list, I just wouldn't take it for a walk. I have a bokken for that. Dreadbelly has the right idea: nice, strong traditional walking stick.
    I second the walking stick or cane idea.

    A sword looks silly... Foolish even in this modern age. Plus, you can't go to many places wearing one. You'll be busted for a deadly weapon.

    A cane on the other hand is stylish, looks proper, is handy for all sorts of things you would have never thought of, and is fantastically painful in the right hands. One would only need to watch me get in to a brawl just once to be sold on the idea.

    A cane screams sophistication along with a kilt and is the weapon of choice on a gentleman.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove
    I don't know, I've found their weapons to be pretty good, along with their belts and such. The clothing they carry leaves a little to be desired. I've only ordered a rapier and dagger from them, but they both seem to be good workmanship. Granted, I haven't fought any duels with them, but then again, I hope I never have to! From all I've read about them and their sister company, Atlanta Cutlery, their bladesmiths are quality workmen.
    I belong to a rennaissance martial arts group in which we do a lot of test-cutting and light sparring with steel, and the MR blades haven't held up very well. There are a lot of better companies out there (though... none that I know of that carry basket-hilt broadswords). They are improving, that's for sure. But if you're looking for a blade for actual USE (hopefully not in any way that's illegal), I'd be happy to direct you to some other vendors.

  3. #3
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    Sword belt

    Let us take the Dewars "Scotsman" (probably an italian fashon model from New Jersey) as an example, he wears what looks like a 4 inch baldric with a 5 inch buckle over his tartan sash but no sword as he appears to be afraid of sharp objects. Such baldrics were usually used with "NCO" sword frogs which mates with a hook or button on the scabard. My basket hilt claymore does not have such a button to attach to the frog. What it has is two 1 inch rings which mate perfectly with the sword hangers on a sam browne belt. This belt however has only a 1 inch wide shoulder strap. Are we looking at 1750s British military web gear (which is no longer compatable with more modern martial cutlery) or are we looking at some odd Victorian era fashon statement? Inquiring minds are quite confused.

    As to why, I find the question of why a bit odd as where I come from weddings and other formal gatherings REQUIRE swords. We appear to travel in different circles.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Robert
    This has in fact gotten quite silly.

    Back to the topic Baldric or Sam Browne?
    If you're going to wear a sword, and I believe there are times when it is fitting, I would go with the baldrick. The Sam Browne is neither authentic or functional with a kilt and to suspend a sword from your belt will make it hang too low and weigh down your kilt on the sword side. Just my opinion.

    Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati


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