Just to show you I have an open mind about this topic , I have been giving this a lot of thought. I was, of course, offended by the notion of "Victorian" to describe the traditional kilt in this forum. Others have argued that we need to distinguish between the "traditional" kilt and the "modern kilt," especially when dealing with so many people in a forum that covers all types of kilts. While we cannot effect the nomenclature world-wide, I think the desire was to give some name to the 8 yd., pleated kilt made of heavy wool. I am not yet convinced that we need to have a name for this style of kilt, other than kilt; however, a name came to me this morning on my pre-Mass walk. It was the inventor of this style of kilt, Thomas Rawlinson. I would think a "Rawlinson style" kilt would be a name that would not be offensive by giving an "era" to the kilt. Yes, there are small changes that have been made, perhaps, but not significant enough not to honor the man who designed a very practical garment.

What do you think? Obviously, most people in Scotland and the world are going to call the wool, tartan kilt, "a kilt," but I am only suggesting this as an alternative to the derogatory (and symbol-filled) term "Victorian." It's only an idea that came to me. For further clarification on Rawlinson, see Matt's post #16 in this thread.