And also remember that the Pennsylvania Dutch are not Dutch at all. They are Germans and the "Ducth" name came about when their neighbors corrupted Deutsch to "Dutch."

Even though Germany as a nation-state did not exist until the German Reich was proclaimed in Versailles Palace by Wilhelm I in 1870, the concept of Germany as a collection of principalities was long in existance. (In fact, the concept of Germany came into being during the late Roman period. Does the name Germanicus ring any bells?) Sort of like the fact that British American Colonists were called Americans long before the Delcaration of Independence.

As further and final clarification, I referred to Queen Victoria as "German" not to indicate that she was not a British Queen, but that her blood and heritage were strongly German. Not unlike most typical Americans. For example, I am an American Citizen, and Alabaman by birth, of Scots, English, Welsh, Creek, and Cherokee bloodlines. So Queen Victoria was a British Queen, and Empress of India, English by birth, and of German bloodlines.

Clear enough?