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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    There seems to be a split debate here: part about such things as self defence and the 'right' to bear arms, and the other which is to my mind more important-the ability to dress in accord with our highland heritage as a clansman.

    Here it might be hard to justify a skean dhu with say one of the modern variant kilts such as the Utilikilt. Or if wearing the kilt in the modern idiom with say roled down socks, boots and T-shirt. However if attending a highland event, and dressed as a highlander: then everything possible should be done to preserve that highland heritage, and that means dressing fully in the way of the highlander.

    The alternative is yet another erosion of our liberties!

    What next-knees to be covered for fear of offending people by our lack of modesty, or inflaming unwanted passions in middle aged ladies?

    A few weeks ago I did in fact sit opposite a couple of uniformed [on duty] policemen whilst on the underground-and my skean dhu must have been obvious to them-yet nothing at all was said.


  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by James
    There seems to be a split debate here: part about such things as self defence and the 'right' to bear arms, and the other which is to my mind more important-the ability to dress in accord with our highland heritage as a clansman.

    Here it might be hard to justify a skean dhu with say one of the modern variant kilts such as the Utilikilt. Or if wearing the kilt in the modern idiom with say roled down socks, boots and T-shirt. However if attending a highland event, and dressed as a highlander: then everything possible should be done to preserve that highland heritage, and that means dressing fully in the way of the highlander.

    The alternative is yet another erosion of our liberties!

    What next-knees to be covered for fear of offending people by our lack of modesty, or inflaming unwanted passions in middle aged ladies?

    A few weeks ago I did in fact sit opposite a couple of uniformed [on duty] policemen whilst on the underground-and my skean dhu must have been obvious to them-yet nothing at all was said.


    you're right, the thread was going sideways.

    A few years ago, the nice old lady across the street took my wife aside to talk to her about me wearing short sleeves. Apparently her denomination teaches that men's elbows inflame women. Go figure!?!

    Your experience is probably the best answer so far.

  3. #23
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Elbows inflame women?

    My God, what would they do if they saw (GASP) an armpit?

    Quick, somebody go get me a stout length of hickory. An axe handle will do. Somebody has to do something about the whole "stupid people are breeding" problem.

    Crap like this makes my head hurt.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
    Elbows inflame women?

    My God, what would they do if they saw (GASP) an armpit?

    Quick, somebody go get me a stout length of hickory. An axe handle will do. Somebody has to do something about the whole "stupid people are breeding" problem.

    Crap like this makes my head hurt.
    you're doing that violent talk thing again...deep breaths: in - grass is green, out - sky is blue; repeat.

    sheepdog has to protect silly people too, it's in the rules.

    we're off the thread again.

    (respect and peace, goodnight)

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    First, to the original thread -
    I believe Hamish once mentioned a "mock" skein dhu, consisting of a handle and a round, plastic, unsharpenable "blade."

    Now that I think about it, I seem to recall a story (probably an urban myth) about some Scots tattooing a picture of a skein dhu to their calves, as they were unable to legally carry the real thing. (No I can't quote the story, so don't ask where it came from. I have no idea if there's even a shred of truth to it.)

    Second, to the legal aspect and a law enforcement stance -
    In my jurisdiction, it is illegal to carry a fixed blade knife of ANY length. Silly law? Yes. But at the same time, if you're not out waving the damn thing around, very few cops are likely to care if you have one. Personally, I would be very hesitant to charge someone who used any type of weapon in a legitimate self-defense situation.

    Now throw in the dynamic of a parade/protest/public gathering etc. I can guarantee that no cop in his right mind will want to wade into a group of people to try and seize what is essentially a sharpened letter opener. They'll be much more concerned with crowd control, and keeping things orderly.

    I understand that English Law has become exceptionally restrictive towards knives, but I would follow Riverkilt's advice - talk to a local cop (or two). Good luck, and I'll be interested to hear what you decided.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Streetcar
    First, to the original thread -
    Now that I think about it, I seem to recall a story (probably an urban myth) about some Scots tattooing a picture of a skein dhu to their calves, as they were unable to legally carry the real thing. (No I can't quote the story, so don't ask where it came from. I have no idea if there's even a shred of truth to it.)
    actually saw that this weekend, guy was wearing shorts, go figure.
    Never heard of it in terms of tradition.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    James , I have got to ask , are you going to the William Wallace event on the 23rd ?
    I've asked here because the last PM I sent you went unanswered.
    In fact is anyone going or am I the only one !
    Last edited by Ranald; 8th August 05 at 11:05 AM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Have you thought about the one-piece "safety" sgian dubhs?


  9. #29
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    Sorry not to have responded.

    Most unlikely that I'll be attending the march.


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