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  1. #1
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    And Now For a Little Fun. What Does Your Name Mean?

    Taken from here.

    Little boisterous one : English

    You are a visionary with courage and enthusiasm if a little hasty at times. Your ambitious nature can be satisfied when you apply wisdom, patience and self-discipline to your vitality and zest. You have wonderful way with words and may be drawn to the communications arena where there is the potential for great success. Your generous and warm nature attracts many friends and loved ones.

    Like the Lord : Hebrew

    Creative, versatile and imaginative you appreciate beauty in all forms. You have great inner strength and courage and have the ability to accept large responsibilities or challenging situations with patience and humility. Others admire these qualities and follow your lead. You are honest, discerning and self-disciplined and need to have a peaceful environment. Putting others before self your talents are used to make life better for everyone.

    Dark or black water : Scottish

    Life is never dull with your adventurous and restless spirit. You are always on the move and seeking a new challenge to pit your wits against. Being in touch with nature you love the outdoors. You have keen intuition and a desire for knowledge and you can be something of a crusader. When you apply discipline and tenacity to your energetic mind then leadership positions are easily available to you.

    Yes, that's pretty much me. Little, obnoxious, and kind.

    Edited. Forgot to alter the copy and paste. Whoops!
    Last edited by Dreadbelly; 26th August 05 at 02:12 PM.

  2. #2
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    Ardent one: Welsh

    "You are fairminded, wise and peaceloving and are always willing to help others. Your mental capabilities and creativity are well marked with wonderful and original ideas which you need to bring to tangible fruition. Perceptive and understanding of others your positive approach to life and influential nature means that you have leadership qualities. There is great potential for success both financially and spiritually."

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    To shine : English
    God is gracious : Hebrew
    You are a deep thinker and student of life using your intuition and natural detective ability to seek truth and hidden knowledge. Peaceloving and compassionate you are nonetheless strong-willed and courageous in confronting challenges. Although your approach to life tends to be on a mental level it is important for you to see your ideas and concepts take form in the material world. Your talents and leadership skills give you great potential for a distinguished career.

    And my full first name:

    After an Irish river : Irish
    Energetic and courageous you stand up for your beliefs and for what you desire. You are independent, strong willed and fiercely competitive when needed although your ambition is tempered with patience. You maintain a positive attitude and with a more organised or practical approach to life material success is very likely. Your immensely loving and generous nature brings joy into peoples lives and ensures your happiness.

    By the way- the first time I did it, I typed T instead of Y at the end of my nickname, and got an earnest reading about how great I was. I tried a couple salty words, the program appears to have a limited number of readings, because they all said the same thing.
    Last edited by Shay; 26th August 05 at 02:37 PM. Reason: to take out some naughty words

  4. #4
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    When you typed "Shay" with a "T" did it say you were a "deep thinker"? Pardon, I couldn't resist!

  5. #5
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    Versatile, intelligent and artistically talented. You love to enjoy yourself and tend to experience a happy domestic life and material success. You have a methodical and thorough mind and are able to organise large projects easily. Charming and likeable and with more than your share of sex appeal you tend to find yourself in the spotlight and much admired by others. Life is more fun with you around.
    David: Beloved : Hebrew
    You are an inspiring leader whose originality, creativity and wisdom are applied to creating practical solutions to "unsolvable" problems. Humanitarian and idealistic your vision is to make the world a better place and you will work to this end. Hardworking and tenacious people admire you for your honesty and integrity. You are a loved and loyal friend and partner. Your have the potential to achieve enormous success in the world.

    It's so bloody true. (my wife disagrees).

  6. #6
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    I don't know, this could cause one to get a swelled head.

    Creative, versatile and imaginative you appreciate beauty in all forms. You have great inner strength and courage and have the ability to accept large responsibilities or challenging situations with patience and humility. Others admire these qualities and follow your lead. You are honest, discerning and self-disciplined and need to have a peaceful environment. Putting others before self your talents are used to make life better for everyone.

    Mighty protector : Teutonic

    You are a deep thinker and student of life using your intuition and natural detective ability to seek truth and hidden knowledge. Peaceloving and compassionate you are nonetheless strong-willed and courageous in confronting challenges. Although your approach to life tends to be on a mental level it is important for you to see your ideas and concepts take form in the material world. Your talents and leadership skills give you great potential for a distinguished career.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay
    The program appears to have a limited number of readings, because they all said the same thing.
    I believe the program takes the numerical value of your name and assigns characteristics: R = 23 , E = 5 (*3), C = 3

    REECE = 23 + 18 = 41 = 4 + 1 = 5

    There will only be 9 or perhaps 10 "readings."

    BTW, 5 is not a kind number in numerology!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I fed my whole name in:

    Beloved : Hebrew

    You are an inspiring leader whose originality, creativity and wisdom are applied to creating practical solutions to "unsolvable" problems. Humanitarian and idealistic your vision is to make the world a better place and you will work to this end. Hardworking and tenacious people admire you for your honesty and integrity. You are a loved and loyal friend and partner. Your have the potential to achieve enormous success in the world.

    Resolute protector : Teutonic

    Honest, dependable and practical you tend to have a fairly conservative but determined approach to life. Your intelligence and wisdom means that you are sought out for guidance and advice. Gifted in communication you are philosophical and intuitive and are usually a traveller both mentally and physically. People respect you for your patience, discretion and integrity.


    You have leadership ability and with your power of expression can be an influential speaker. Organisation or management would suit you. Your energy, intellect and creativity overcome any challenging situations and assure your future success. Certainly with your emotions under control there is nothing which you cannot achieve. Your faith and vitality means that love and prosperity are naturally attracted to you.

    Gee, it sounds like I should be the beloved leader of some country. But that makes sense, considering my biblical namesake.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #9
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    Having great personal charisma you attract many admirers and are usually surrounded by friends and loved ones. You are very much a people person enjoying conversation and much social activity. A natural leader and gifted in communication you may be drawn toward the fields of writing, speaking or public life. You are a person who needs freedom to move and a constructive outlet for your creative ideas.

    methinks they got the wrong boyo. i am introverted, shamefully egotistical, suffer fools poorly and work alone 90% of the time. this group is the closest i have come to joining an organization in 10 years...

    other than tht it is alnost like looking in the mirror!



  10. #10
    yoippari is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    The supplanter : Hebrew
    You are idealistic and intelligent and very much an all or nothing person.Tending to experience constant change in life security is found in your real and abiding values. With great organisational ability, industry and creative prowess you love to build tangible results and are especially gifted at transforming lost causes. Your intelligence is marked with keen perception and analytical ability. A secure home life and relationship are important for you.

    Park keeper : English
    Creative, versatile and imaginative you appreciate beauty in all forms. You have great inner strength and courage and have the ability to accept large responsibilities or challenging situations with patience and humility. Others admire these qualities and follow your lead. You are honest, discerning and self-disciplined and need to have a peaceful environment. Putting others before self your talents are used to make life better for everyone.

    Balanced and fairminded you possess the ability to use sound reason and judgement when determined and decisive action is required. Persuasive and logical you tend to be an influential figure in your circle of friends and associates. You are extremely adaptable and this is necessary as you seem to be continually being presented with decisions of a life altering nature.

    I found a site that focuses more on the etymology of the name which I find to be a bit more meaningful. However the above is suprisingly accurate. Some of the descriptions are very accurate, some not as much, but nothing here is dead wrong.

    Gender: Masculine
    Usage: English, Dutch, Scandinavian
    Pronounced: JAY-kub
    From the Latin Jacobus, which was from the Greek Ιακωβος (Iakobos), which was from the Hebrew name Ya'aqov which meant "holder of the heel" or "supplanter". The biblical Jacob (later called Israel) was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel. He was the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. A famous bearer of this name was Jacob Grimm, the German linguist and writer who was, with his brother Wilhelm, the author of 'Grimm's Fairy Tales'.

    Parker English
    Means "keeper of the park" from Old French. It's an occupational name for the man who was the gamekeeper at the medieval park.

    Hawes, originally Haas which is a varient of Hase
    German, Low German
    From Middle High German and Middle Low German hase meaning "hare, rabbit". It is a nickname for a timid person.

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