I own four AmeriKilts. Since I work 4 ten's thought I'd wear one of my AmeriKilts every day.

First day wore my black AK with a gray/black tartan shirt

Next day wore my forest green AK with a green tartan shirt

Then my putty (War 2 Khaki) AK with a tucked in Aloha shirt, white with sort of a matching color to the kilt decoration.

Today, was my tigerstripe AK with my black Ladies from Hell t shirt.

I've worn kilts to work every day for a month now, and often before that. Today was the first comment I received. They really liked the tiger stripe pattern...and this from peers much too young to recall its use in Viet Nam.

No problems at all with the AK in a business setting...usually sittting for me.

Only thing for me I'm on an upswing in weight, and while the snaps still snap and the cloth "sporran" still hooks up...I'm thinking about adding another piece of velcro on the underapron so I can still fasten the velcro tab at the end of the top apron.
