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  1. #1
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Where Did the "That's A Lot of Kilts" Thread Go?

    Why was it deleted?

    Or am I just not seeing it.

    Near as I tell, there were no rules broken in it, at least the last time I looked.

  2. #2
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
    Southern Breeze is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    I was wondering the same thing.Maybe the Men In Black paid us a visit.
    I figured someone crossed the line and it was deleted.Whatever happend took place while I was at work.No objections,just curiousity.
    Last edited by Southern Breeze; 12th September 05 at 04:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Doc Hudson's Avatar
    Doc Hudson is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Remember the iron hand?
    'nuff said.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly
    Why was it deleted?

    Or am I just not seeing it.

    Near as I tell, there were no rules broken in it, at least the last time I looked.
    Don't know where it went either, really doesn't concern me and I prolly shouldn't care enough to post this but I'm a'gonna do it anyway.

    As a mod on another site that has a real tendency to get rude and over the line all the time, I have to be up on the rules. Not just the blatent, in your face violations but the smooth as silk, it was way too nice to delete type of thread. (yeah right!)

    Dread I read the thread in question and if what I am about to say angers or upsets you. Too bad. Get over it.

    That was a loaded thread, written to draw supporting comments, intentionaly lead the course of discussion away from the topic and in such a way as to be a cheap shot at the admin. On the board I work, I would have given you a "time out" after I deleted the thread.

    Want a real world example? It is called passive agression and it works like this: Stopped and given a ticket for exceeding the posted speed recomendation you spend the rest of the day driving at 15 mph. When stopped for obstructing the flow of traffic you, in wide eyed innocence, reply "I was only doing what officer soandso told me to do and he would never tell me to do anything wrong". Did you break the speed law the second time? No. Would you get a ticket? Yep, especially if I was the cop.

    Now if you want to and talk kilts and kilt related subjects great, if you want to continue to skirt or ignore the rules you will continue to have posts removed and threads deleted. Such is the freedom of the internet. Freedom my big ol'butt. This is Hank's board and will operate the way he wants. If you have a problem with that then I would suggest you talk to Hank directly and leave off the cheap shots.


  5. #5
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike n NC
    Don't know where it went either, really doesn't concern me and I prolly shouldn't care enough to post this but I'm a'gonna do it anyway.

    As a mod on another site that has a real tendency to get rude and over the line all the time, I have to be up on the rules. Not just the blatent, in your face violations but the smooth as silk, it was way too nice to delete type of thread. (yeah right!)

    Dread I read the thread in question and if what I am about to say angers or upsets you. Too bad. Get over it.

    That was a loaded thread, written to draw supporting comments, intentionaly lead the course of discussion away from the topic and in such a way as to be a cheap shot at the admin. On the board I work, I would have given you a "time out" after I deleted the thread.

    Want a real world example? It is called passive agression and it works like this: Stopped and given a ticket for exceeding the posted speed recomendation you spend the rest of the day driving at 15 mph. When stopped for obstructing the flow of traffic you, in wide eyed innocence, reply "I was only doing what officer soandso told me to do and he would never tell me to do anything wrong". Did you break the speed law the second time? No. Would you get a ticket? Yep, especially if I was the cop.

    Now if you want to and talk kilts and kilt related subjects great, if you want to continue to skirt or ignore the rules you will continue to have posts removed and threads deleted. Such is the freedom of the internet. Freedom my big ol'butt. This is Hank's board and will operate the way he wants. If you have a problem with that then I would suggest you talk to Hank directly and leave off the cheap shots.


    That had nothing to do with cheap shots or anything of that nature. It was about the five hundred billion dollar cost of the hurricane. How on earth is that a cheap shot at the mods? Please explain that to me if you can. What you just said is a massive load of BS.

    I seriously doubt you even read the thread as you claim. But thank you for making the tension around here a little worse.

  6. #6
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    And it's the bare bones estimate of the costs of cleaning up Katrina over the next decade or so. Long term projections.

    However, that number could easily double it self once the full extent of cost to rebuild the entire Gulf Coast reveals it self.

    Heard this morning that a couple of insurance companies are trying to file for some kind of special bankrupt status, to make the Government pay their bills, because they can not physically pay out the kind of money being estimated. Which means a lot of people depending on insurance monies are probably going to be screwed. Which is unfair and wrong. But what do you do when the estimated pay outs are going to cost more than your company is actually worth?

    Five hundred billion dollars. That's a number larger than I can even begin to comprehend. That is a staggering sum of money.
    My original post. I made two posts in that thread. The second was in reply to somebody accusing me of something. The second post had links to the actual news stories.

    Now, where exactly are these "pot shots?" There are none. Thanks for trying to stir up trouble.

  7. #7
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    Thanks for trying to stir up trouble.
    That goes for you too Dread....this stops now!!!
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
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  8. #8
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
    That goes for you too Dread....this stops now!!!
    I apologise. I was trying to defend my self.

  9. #9
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    Tip'o the hat to Freelander and my apology. I just get tired of the constant carping and the guff all of you take for doing your jobs. That was the end of my contribution to this thread.



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