21st September 05, 08:28 PM
Ordered Tonight!
Based on the recommendations of this forum, and Rocky's uncompromising customer service and responsiveness, I have ordered my newest kilt from USA Kilts! It will be a casual (philabeg) in the Black Watch tartan. I can only look forward to its arrival.
Now I need to sell some more PC equipment to let me buy some more kilts. I am looking to get at least 1 from every US manufacturer, then start on the traditional manufacturers.
On a side note, 21st Century Kilts was at the Chicago Celtic festival last weekend and I got my first chance to see and feel a true traditional kilt. The only response I have is that it is truly a tank! I don't know the weight of what I saw, but the weight of any single kilt had to be in the 8-10 pound range, and the whole rack looked too heavy for Arnold to lift!
Last edited by KiltedCodeWarrior; 22nd September 05 at 06:32 AM.
Reason: spelling errors
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
21st September 05, 08:48 PM
I feel a jonesing coming on. Way to go, you will not be disappointed.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
21st September 05, 09:08 PM
Aye, GMan, let the jonesin' begin!!! LOL
21st September 05, 09:49 PM
Hamish watch out .....
22nd September 05, 06:05 AM
He got in JUST under the wire... next week we'll be (HOPEFULLY) at a 10 + week turnaround after the festival this weekend.
26th September 05, 11:48 AM
 Originally Posted by RockyR
next week we'll be (HOPEFULLY) at a 10 + week turnaround after the festival this weekend.
Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn ... I finally decided to place an order on Friday. Lucky me.
So ... how long IS the turnaround now? For your sake, I hope it's twelve weeks or more, but part of me hopes the festival was a complete bust and you can whip out a Philabeg by tomorrow.
Oh, well. I'll be patient.
26th September 05, 12:45 PM
The festival was NUTS! 3 days of people SWARMING our booth. We sold about 80 kilts and took orders for about 25 more. The Buzz sporrans sold out in RECORD time. Kelly and I are taking a WELL DESERVED break today. I'll try to update this thread with an estimated backorder time tomorrow when I go into the shop.
26th September 05, 01:33 PM
Glad to hear that the festival went well! Selling 80 and orders for 25 seems to me like an absolute bonanza. Assuming an 8 hour day for each of the three days, that is over 5 kilt sales an hour!!
Note to self, kilt making might be a good alternative to corporate America!
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
26th September 05, 05:51 PM
friday was 5 to 10 (plus set up time of a couple hours)
sat was 9 am to 11 pm
sun was 9 am to 8 pm (plus tear down).
TRUST me... this past weekend was NOT typical. Kelly and I aren't rich (yet)... wait till we open the new shop and branch out into other areas... THEN we'll be rich! hahaha
26th September 05, 07:13 PM
 Originally Posted by RockyR
friday was 5 to 10 (plus set up time of a couple hours)
sat was 9 am to 11 pm
sun was 9 am to 8 pm (plus tear down).
TRUST me... this past weekend was NOT typical. Kelly and I aren't rich (yet)... wait till we open the new shop and branch out into other areas... THEN we'll be rich! hahaha
So 30 hours versus the 24 I used, so the real sales rate was more like over 4 per hour! Still a phenomenal sales rate for this kind of item. I am not looking to get rich, just looking to have more fun at my jobe and be able to wear what I want. I think being happy with what you do, and not necessarily the money (but that is nice too!) is important. Money can make misery and unhappiness bearable, but true happiness doesn't rely on money!
Keep up the good work and enjoy a day off! Of course, as long as that does not impact my kilt delivery :-) !
Just kidding! Actually, I am thinking of upgrading to one of your semi-traditional kilts. When do you need to know? I will also send you a PM.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
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