4th October 05, 03:17 PM
I have no way to varify this, but on the old phosphor tubes, the X rays were pretty strong. I am betting that it is a joke, but some old techies say just before you touched the CRT that you could see right through your skin.
Those old tubes had a lot of radiation. Scares me to think how many of them are sitting in landfills, and what they might be doing.
4th October 05, 03:22 PM
 Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
I'd like to get some opinions regarding anti-virus, anti-spy, anti-popup software to put on this new system. What programs do you use and how would you rate them. (I'd prefer to buy other than Symantec as I'm not very happy with them at the moment.)
Thanks all
Back to Blu's original problem - the latest edition of PC magazine, vol.24 No.18, has a number of recommendations for some highly rated freeware.
Antispy www.spybot.info
Antivirus www.free-av.com www.avast.com
Firewalls www.kerio.com www.zonelabs.com
Don't go online without protection - it's not safe.
A kilted Celt on the border.
Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret
Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.
4th October 05, 03:26 PM
Remember boys and girls,always practice safe computing.
4th October 05, 05:20 PM
Years ago I restored old TV sets. One time I got a screwdriver a tad close to a flyback transformer. It vaporized about an 8th of an inch off the end of the screwdriver. That stuff is nothing to get careless around.
5th October 05, 04:21 AM
I'm running Windows XP with Mozilla as my browser,Norton AV,Norton firewall,and Mcaffe anti-spyware.We use Macs at work and I don't have anything against them.I was using Zone Alarm but the last update conflicted with IMFF.Other than that I was happy with it.
5th October 05, 05:32 PM
My new laptop came loaded with Norton Internet Security, a bundle of apps that does everything you're looking for. I recommend it.
I've also been satisfied with Spybot, Ad-Aware and Zone Alarm on my desktop. You should also try Microsoft Anti-Spyware. It cleans up all the spyware that Spybot does, plus it can be scheduled to run automatically and update itself.
I'm saddled with a Mac at my office. I would never allow one in my home. I know nothing about Linux but it seems that software would be hard to come by.
Last edited by Bob C; 5th October 05 at 05:36 PM.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
5th October 05, 08:38 PM
 Originally Posted by Bob C.
and update itself.
I'm saddled with a Mac at my office. I would never allow one in my home. I know nothing about Linux but it seems that software would be hard to come by.
Not really. The only area where tere isn't as much variety is in te game department, though many of the msot popular usually do end up coming out for Mac's.
But it also depends on what you want to do. Desktop publishing, movies, art, special effects, etc, you want a Mac.
6th October 05, 06:04 AM
 Originally Posted by Rob Wright
Desktop publishing, movies, art, special effects, etc, you want a Mac.
I work in publishing and I will never understand why this myth persists. I have lost more hours of work to Mac freeze-ups than I can tell you.
I'm getting angry, now, just thinking about it.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
6th October 05, 12:44 PM
 Originally Posted by Bob C.
I work in publishing and I will never understand why this myth persists. I have lost more hours of work to Mac freeze-ups than I can tell you.
I'm getting angry, now, just thinking about it. 
Curious to know which model you'd be talking about. The 6100, and the 5200 had problems but nothing since maybe '98.
But that would go off thread.
BTW, Mac users, ever check out ehmac.ca, second best board out there?
6th October 05, 12:47 PM
Has anybody else noted that Blu hasn't posted for several days. All this computer wisdom(?) isn't going anywhere.
Hope he's having a pleasant holiday in Tahiti and not stuck in computer incompatibility he..double hockey sticks.
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