Does anyone know anyone who makes custom design kilt belt buckles? Where or who should I ask about custom designs? I really want a buckle nobody else has
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28th August 05
Chatsworth Georgia, USA
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It may be a bit of a long shot,but you could look for a local blacksmith to make some hand forged ones.I just finished a few sets for my future kilts and it's not very difficult.
Im going to share one of the biggest secrets on the net...Google it bro'!!!!!! Seriously, I have a buddy who knows about a guy in the UK who makes custom kilt buckles. Ill get back to you on this monday morning.
Thanks! I was thinking about buckle with St Michael slaying the dragon. And another was one with reindeers... Maybe I should put up a company of my own... Maybe I think about it...
Thanks! I was thinking about buckle with St Michael slaying the dragon. And another was one with reindeers... Maybe I should put up a company of my own... Maybe I think about it...
excellent choice, just remember to tuck in the pointy bits.
wait...Michael the Archangel never fought reindeers, must be an apocryphal book.