I've bought numerous items from them over the years - usually jewelry for the wife! The quality of all their stuff is top-notch, and they are a small family business and a pleasure to deal with....
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
The Fibula has been a long time fav of mine . I got to see it in the metal as it were in Fort William this past summer. at just over £50 it wasn't a bad buy . I left without it as we had spent too much already that day ...Still theres always next time8-)
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4th February 04
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I've made a purchase from Walkers before also, I bought a celtic cross necklace, their work is outstanding, they have a real feel for things celtic.
I've not checked out their pins for a while, but frankly, while they are beautiful, and in silver, I cannot afford them. I'm notorious for loosing pins.
So i prefer the cheaper pewter option. http://scottishkilts.net/store/celtic_kilt_pins.html