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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macman
    KCW, I agree with Iolaus about the amount of water; at least, that's how I often drink it, with just a bit to bring out the nose. However, it's common in Scotland to see people drinking their malts up to half and half as well. I started out drinking whisky with more water than I use now, and gradually cut it back as I got used to the flavour (this is from someone who used to drink Canadian rye and ginger ale!). BTW, I really like the McClelland Islay as well, but can somebody tell me what it really is? I can't find any distilleries named McClelland, so what is actually in the bottle? I suspect that McClelland buys bulk from other distilleries and then maybe blends the single malts into a style like Islay, Highland, etc. Not to say the product isn't good, and good value, but is it a vatted malt? Does anybody know?
    Found this on the web:

    McClelland's is owned by Morrison Bowmore Distillers, which is in turn owned by Suntory of Japan. The three McClelland's bottlings are, in fact, 5-year-old releases of the three Morrison Bowmore distilleries: Lowland (Auchentoshan), Highland (Glen Garioch), and Islay (Bowmore).

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Thanks, Colin; that answers my question. I can see why they might not put that on the label. Now I know why I like McClelland's Islay though!
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  3. #3
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    Suntory has also been making its own whisky since 1929. I have a bottle of Suntory's "Yamazaki" 12 year old single malt (blasphemy, I know), and it is as good or better than many of the scotch whiskys I've tasted.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    Suntory has also been making its own whisky since 1929. I have a bottle of Suntory's "Yamazaki" 12 year old single malt (blasphemy, I know), and it is as good or better than many of the scotch whiskys I've tasted.
    Is the blasphemy because it is not brewed/made in Scotland?

    RJI, still figuring this whiskey thing out...
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    Is the blasphemy because it is not brewed/made in Scotland?

    RJI, still figuring this whiskey thing out...
    Partly that it's a single malt, made in the scotch tradition, yet not made in Scotland (or at least a country with Scot connections), but also that I even have it in the first place!

    In my own defense, I wouldn't have even given a Japanese whisky a second glance, had I just seen it on the shelf; in this case, however, I actually went looking for it because of a favorable review in, I think, Whisky Magazine.

    It was worth looking for.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    Partly that it's a single malt, made in the scotch tradition, yet not made in Scotland (or at least a country with Scot connections), but also that I even have it in the first place!

    In my own defense, I wouldn't have even given a Japanese whisky a second glance, had I just seen it on the shelf; in this case, however, I actually went looking for it because of a favorable review in, I think, Whisky Magazine.

    It was worth looking for.
    Actually, there is a Scottish connection to Japan. Not genetically, but in attitude. I read somewhere (maybe on X Marks?) that the kilt has become very popular in Japan. Interest in the kilt seems to foster interest in all things Scottish.

    Before I even knew of the Scottish connection in my ancestory, I was a big fan of single malt Scotch. In fact, it's the only whisky that I care for at all. I can drink one glass of American bourbon or Canadian whisky, but I can stomach Scotch very well. Scotch led me to brew Scotch Ale, which led me to the surprise in my heritage, which led me to kilts.

    My kilt is made in America in the Scottish tradition. I have no problem with Japanese single malt distilled in the Scottish tradition.

    Would Japanese Single Malt be considered an Islay? ;)


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