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  1. #21
    Join Date
    14th September 05
    Space Coast, FL
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    There is no way I will ever catch Graham! Even though I am currently ahead on posts per day (check your profile to see your own), it is just because I am still in the "honeymoon" and excitement phase of the newly kilted! Unless Graham decides to stop posting for about 10 months, there is no way anybody will catch him.

    Now, getting to 100 kilts, hmmmm, that might be possible. I can't imagine getting there before Hamish, but it would certainly be more fun to purchase my 100th kilt than my make my 10000th post on XMarks, as much as I love you guys! ;)
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  2. #22
    Graham's Avatar
    Graham is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
    Join Date
    4th February 04
    Tasmania, Australia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    Graham, unless you're able to substantially increase your post rate, it will be roughly two years of dedicated posting before you hit the 10,000 mark. Certainly achievable. 8)

    As for the 100 kilts... all it takes is willingness to divest oneself of the approx. $40,000 usd to do it... plus the cost preparing suitable storage facilities.

    I knew I could count on you, Blu, to come up with the numbers.
    I think 2 years of posts are more achievable than spending $40,000

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