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  1. #10
    Join Date
    30th September 05
    Western Pennsylvania
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    The tunes listed so far are all pretty standard chestnuts. Things every piper plays all the time and kind of gets bored with. I thought I'd chime in with some tunes I like to play.

    Okay, for the sake of argument, let's keep it limited to highland piping tunes:

    1. The Desparate Battle of the Birds (Piobearachd and a bear of a piece to learn);
    2. The Turf Lodge ( a great light music piece!);
    3. The Little Cascade (a challenging reel by G.S. McLennan-probably the greatest composer of pipes music ever to live);
    4. The Jig of Slurs (also by GSMcL);
    5. Glasgow City Police Pipers;
    6. The Silver Pipes of Ur (composed by a member of one of the bands I used to be in).

    Love them drones!
    Last edited by wgority; 21st November 05 at 08:41 AM.
    The tradition continues!
    The Pipers Gathering at Killington, VT


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