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  1. #41
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz
    however Edinburgh is called "Edinburgh" why use other names for it? "Auld Reekie" is a name that is sometimes used but it just serves to confuse less enlightened X marks members.
    ...or can be used to educated those "less enlightened X marks members" about local folklore, custom, slang, et al. I know I love to learn the "inside skinny" like this, and I'm sure others do as well.

    Education is always a good thing.


  2. #42
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    Daz, Embra isn't so bad. What alot of us call Washington DC would give you a stroke.

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    back on topic

    I'll be in Orlando for a military meeting the rest of this week. Supposed to be a Scotch tasting Wed evening. Will be wearing the kilt there, and getting a lot of flak from the guys I work with.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston
    I'll be in Orlando for a military meeting the rest of this week. Supposed to be a Scotch tasting Wed evening. Will be wearing the kilt there, and getting a lot of flak from the guys I work with.
    At a Scotch tasting? What more appropriate venue than a Scotch tasting to wear a kilt?


  5. #45
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    Todd, a lot of Scots will pronounce Edinburgh as 'Embra'. Yes, it was a phonetic spelling. Just as Dune Eejin would be a phonetic spelling of the Gaelic name for Edinburgh, Dùn Eideann. (Daz doesn't like me using the Gàidhlig either, but I couldn't restrain myself.)

    I cannot imagine how he would react to the average American pronouncing it with a hard 'G'.

    Daz, make it over to Balquhidder on 29 December, for the Na Fir Dileas (oh dear, more of the Gaelic) sponsored Rob Roy commemoration. I'm on the bell, should you make it.

  6. #46
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    I dont mind you at all using the gaelic Mike in fact we should be encouraging people to learn more about it, What Ive said in the past is, its a bit sad using it simply to have a "cool" punchline at the bottom of thier message or selected words in order to look "cool". To be honest Im ashamed to say My gaelic is very poor, If I had the time I would seek to improve it, Its like Tartan if your going to wear a Tartan find out about it and know what it stands for, Exacly the same with the Gaelic if your going to use it then try and look a bit deeper and dont just throw in a couple of select words why not check out the website.

    www.savegaelic.org We should use it more often

    Ive heard several visitors call it Edin-burg (like Burger) I suppose its an easy mistake to make!!

    Mar sin leibh an dràsda

  7. #47
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    I've a link to Save Gaelic on my own Web site and have had for some time.

    A pal that stays near Dunblane is enrolled in An Cùrsa Inntrigidh, which is provided by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Colaiste Ghàidhlig na h-Alba. It is a distance learning course that I, sadly, could not afford the materials for, in order to participate. But he is trying to help me along with my own studies.

    Who would have thought that there would be such a major snag with a word as simple as 'the'? Such a simple word can be masculine singular, in three different versions, depending upon the initial letter of the noun it proceeds (an t-, am & an), feminine singular in four versions (a' [which lenites the following noun], an [another lenition], an t- & an) and both masuline and feminine plural (na h- [before a vowel] & na [before a consonant]) This may be the death of me, yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz
    Mar sin leibh an dràsda
    Sin thu fhèin!

    Mar sin leat an-dràsda.

    Le meas,
    Last edited by Mike1; 28th November 05 at 05:10 PM.

  8. #48
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    Mike there is a couple of Yahoo groups that help with the Gaelic, I know what you mean with "The" in some ways its a bit like frence with the masculine and feminine , Isnt it a Scandal that we have to pay to learn the Language, the executive sould provide grants/ courses etc if they are serious about furthering the Language. My grand father was always punished at school for using the gaelic, he could speak Scots and Irish versions, and he had an unrivalled knowledge of profanities in both !! his father knew both as well as French, and English of course, It is tricky to learn and converse, but listning to music helps Runrig is a good example Donnie monroe is very fluent (hes and Islander though they always are) and the new guy Bruce is getting there.

  9. #49
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    Well, there are multiple ways to say "the" in many languages. I think I know 2 words in Gaelic. It's on my list of languages for which I want to acquire some familiarity. Also on my list is sign language, French, Greek, and Hebrew.

    Returning to the thread back to its theme - St. Andrew's Day.

    I used to go to St. Andrew's by the Lake, and for the past several years, we would invite a piper to help us celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. (The first Sunday of Advent falls much closer to St. Andrew's Day, but it was more liturgically appropriate to invite the piper for the week before.)

    We joined a new parish this fall, however, and they didn't use pipes. Our new parish is much larger and has the youth and family programming we will need. We miss St. Andrew's, and I'll be back there every now and then. I'm the primary substitute when the current music director goes out of town.

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