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  1. #21
    Join Date
    13th March 05
    Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (OCONCAN)
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    Welcome, Craig, and your roommate too, from another BC'er!
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Thanks! I should clarify. She is my roomie, with benefits.

    Jude's my Special Lady Friend. She's always had a thing for my legs, so she's been almost excited as me about my kilt. When I tried it on for her she said "I knew I'd like it, but I *REALLY* like it!".


  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    Thanks! I should clarify. She is my roomie, with benefits.

    Jude's my Special Lady Friend. She's always had a thing for my legs, so she's been almost excited as me about my kilt. When I tried it on for her she said "I knew I'd like it, but I *REALLY* like it!".

    My last roomie with benefits is now my wife of 5.5 years and the mother of my 2 children

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    I must complement you on your choice of tartans, and if you're curious what you'll look like in the scottishkilts.net jacket and waistcoat, well, glance below:

    I've had the jacket about a month now, and it's more suitable to our lifestyle (read: casual) than the black argyle...although I suspect that there is a PC jacket from Scottishkilts.net in my future someplace for spring symphonic concerts (and maybe Burns dinners before that).

    Bryan...welcome aboard, cousin...

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Welcome you two. Nice first post.


  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Excellent! Looks quite nice. I like the blue tie, I didn't think about it, and just went with the green, plus the Green brings out my lovely eyes better (or so I'm told). Either way we'll look like twins when I get my pic up. Although I bet I'll look a lot better wearing my Canucks jersey with the kilt than you will with an Avs jersey. Nevermind what happened last night, we're just lulling you into a false sense of security.

    I'm hoping that jacket arrives today. I ordered it with the waistcoat and the same hose over a month ago, and it arrived after only a couple weeks. The problem was that they sent me the Argyll Range jacket. The one with the fancy cuffs, pockets, and epaulets. It looks nice, but a little too old fashioned for me.

    The waistcoat was also huge, the jacket fit, but the waistcoat was a good 4 inches or so too big even with the back completely cinched up. I called them up that night, and they said they were going to ship the correct coats that day, but it's been almost 3 weeks, and time is running out.

    I haven't sent the others back yet (which I was assured wouldn't hold the order), so worst case is that I'll get the waist coat tailored to fit me, and wear the Range jacket, but I'd feel a bit strange wearing it.

    There's nothing wrong with it, but it would seem that I'd be trying hard to look Scottish (not a bad thing), wheareas I'd rather just look like Craig (and damn good judging from your pic).


    PS: Do you have problems keeping the cat and cat hair away from your kilt and jacket?
    Last edited by Space Moose; 28th November 05 at 04:14 PM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    The kilt is "The Balmoral" from Balmoral Highland Dress and Kilts, by way of kiltstore.net (and the xmarks discount). It's a nice big 16oz tank.
    So I assume you are quite happy with the 8 yard Balmoral from Kiltstore than. I have been planning a kilt purchase from Scottish kilts (I got the charcoal tweed jacket and waistcoat back in April), but the price at kiltstore is looking pretty appealing. It looks like they have revamped their prices a bit to make them more comparable to other online sites.

    Any faults with the kilt or complaints?

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    PS: Do you have problems keeping the cat and cat hair away from your kilt and jacket?
    Not a bit: we have Border Collies which delight in herding the cats-in this case, away from where ever I've left my jacket/sweater/sandwich/etc. This pisses off the cats, but there isn't much they can do about it untill they learn (the cats, that is) how to throw a frisbee and tempt the dogs in the opposite direction the cats want to go.

    Bryan...besides, I'm hairier than most of my pets, I'm not sure I could blame them in good concience for wayward hairs...

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Colin, it's a very nice kilt to be sure. I've only one question about the build quality, specifically the first pleat 'flying' which I'll post about in the General forum.

    One thing to expect though, which I was more than a little surprised at was the taxes and duties I paid on it. $192. Ouch! That brings the overall price a lot closer to home-grown ones. In retrospect, if I'd had it mailed to Blaine, WA, it would have cost me much less. Though I knew I was cutting it fairly close to the deadline, so I was probably better off playing it safe.

    Last edited by Space Moose; 28th November 05 at 04:15 PM.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Moose
    Colin, it's a very nice kilt to be sure. I've only one question about the build quality, specifically the first pleat 'flying' which I'll post about in the General forum.

    One thing to expect though, which I was more than a little surprised at was the taxes and duties I paid on it. $192. Ouch! That brings the overall price a lot closer to home-grown ones. In retrospect, if I'd had it mailed to Blaine, WA, it would have cost me much less. Though I knew I was cutting it fairly close to the deadline, so I was probably better off playing it safe.
    Ouch!!!!! I paid $32 in duty for the jacket and waistcoat, but $192 for just the kilt!?! that's harsh.

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