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  1. #31
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    One of the early posts said, "Kilts are a gateway garment to cross-dressing." I think there must be at least a few people from Tom's Cafe on that board.

    Anyway, I wouldn't give 'em too much thought. They're there to discuss FASHION. We actually WEAR stuff, and I get the impression that we don't give a fig for what's on the runways. (I sure don't.) They'll come around when kilts become acceptable everyday wear, because that's all they care about: what's popular.

  2. #32
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    I find it funny that these people had the nerve to slam kilts are feminine and/or "gay". After all aren't the high class fashion types in their fancy suits now getting manicures, facials, and pedicures? Don't they get fashion tips from shows like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"? Aren't there wearing the equivilant to ladies silk petticoats? and aren't these the same "men" (term used loosely) that are wearing what really amounts to capri pants (petal pushers)?

    Why exact would anyone want to subscribe to the mental and physical castration of men through fashion, media bias, and marketing trends? All of which are being used to tell us daily that you are not an attractive man unless you look more like a woman. Just look at the "hot" actors on the screens today. Is there a man among them?

    No wonder women get either upset or overjoyed when their men start to show the slightest sign of masculinity nowadays. After all, according to most sources it is wrong to look or act like a man. We should all shave off our body hair and discuss the benefits of a dovet rather than a throw while we are having our cuticles looked after. Martha Stewart could be one the TV, the non-fat extra hot lattes could be steaming, and our freshly soaked toes-ies could be slipped back into our Kenneth Cole heeled boots, and our visa put back into our Prada wallet, but be careful, you don't want to scratch that clear coat of polish or wrinkle the Botox in your forehead!!

    No wonder they are afraid and ignorant about kilts. If I was the equivilant to a Elizabethan styled pansy, I would be afriad of men's clothing too.

    Here's to the real men left in the world!!

  3. #33
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    As can be seen by the extent of their comments, these are most likely immature, fashionplate wannabes. The comments are top of the head opinions that do not show any real thought.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    Here's to the real men left in the world!!

    Slainte :-D

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    I find it funny that these people had the nerve to slam kilts are feminine and/or "gay". After all aren't the high class fashion types in their fancy suits now getting manicures, facials, and pedicures? Don't they get fashion tips from shows like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"? Aren't there wearing the equivilant to ladies silk petticoats? and aren't these the same "men" (term used loosely) that are wearing what really amounts to capri pants (petal pushers)?

    Why exact would anyone want to subscribe to the mental and physical castration of men through fashion, media bias, and marketing trends? All of which are being used to tell us daily that you are not an attractive man unless you look more like a woman. Just look at the "hot" actors on the screens today. Is there a man among them?


    Here's to the real men left in the world!!
    Hey now- just because something is highbrow, affected or faddish doesn't make it feminine or gay. When I think of a man getting manicures or wearing silk shirts, I think of James Bond... and if you're saying Sean Connery isn't manly...

    Still, it's nice to see people trying to educate others on the thread even if they're getting some stuff wrong, and really interesting to read the one post by the guy who worked for Utilikilts.

  6. #36
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    I guess not everyone can be as fashionable as we are. What a bunch of uneducated idiots (I only read the first page).

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin

    discuss the benefits of a dovet rather than a throw while we are having our cuticles looked after. Martha Stewart could be one the TV,
    That just reminded me of this dialogue.

    TYLER: Do you know what a duvet it?
    JACK: Comforter.
    TYLER: It's a blanket, just a blanket. Now why guys like you and I know what a duvet is? Is this essential to our survival? In the hunter-gathered sense of the word? No. What are we then?
    JACK: You know, consumers.
    TYLER: Right. We're consumers. We're by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty -- these things don't concern me. What concerns me is celebrity magazines, television with five hundred channels, some guy's name on my underwear. Rogaine, Viagra, Olestra.
    JACK: Martha Stewart.
    TYLER: @@#$ Martha Stewart. Martha's polishes on the brass of the Titanic. It's all going down, man! So #$$x off, with your sofa units and your green stripe patterns. I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve and let the chips fall where they may. But that's me, I could be wrong, maybe it's a terrible tragedy.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimalistix
    That just reminded me of this dialogue.
    Uh-oh. This is about to be hijacked by Fight Club quotes. Can I try one?:

    TYLER/JACK: This conversation ... is OVER.

    Sorry, but that thread would go on for, like, years. Someone had to do something.

    I think we need a manifesto or something. Something that says, "We're not about fashion, we're not about whom we f***, we're not about what's popular this month. We're about setting our b***s free, 'cause we got 'em and we're not ashamed. If you don't like it, too damn bad."

    I dunno. Whittle that down to 8 words and embroider it on a pillow or something.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear

    I think we need a manifesto or something. Something that says, "We're not about fashion, we're not about whom we f***, we're not about what's popular this month. We're about setting our b***s free, 'cause we got 'em and we're not ashamed. If you don't like it, too damn bad."

    I dunno. Whittle that down to 8 words and embroider it on a pillow or something.
    Right on brother!!!8-)
    [B]Paul Murray[/B]
    Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Fairfax City, VA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
    I think we need a manifesto or something. Something that says, "We're not about fashion, we're not about whom we f***, we're not about what's popular this month. We're about setting our b***s free, 'cause we got 'em and we're not ashamed. If you don't like it, too damn bad."
    Cool. I say we organize and call ourselves the International Army of Testicular Liberation!

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