8th December 05, 08:28 AM
 Originally Posted by Raphael
There sure are a lot of ignorant folks out there.
8th December 05, 10:17 AM
 Originally Posted by Kiltedfirepiper
to quote "fight club " again...
"is that what a MAN is supposed to look like? "
great movie!!
I have never been into fashion... fashion is just a way to get you to spend lots of $$ on $^!T you dont need to look like everyone else!
I get flack for wearing my kilt @ work ( I dont wear it AT work ...but I have come in wearing it when I wasnt working) and I just tell them ..." well when you get balls enough to step up and find out what its like to be a masculine man ..let me know! I'll be happy to help you see the light!
Scott .....now that I know that I'm a RETROsexual( always have been just didnt know the "catch phrase" for it) I will say so proudly! :grin:
I'll admit I do like fashion and clothing design. (I think it appeals to my predisposition to want to modify things) However, I don't buy into the whole spending a ton of money on it. You can get classic looks, which I like, without spending a ton of cash. I'll spend a lot of cash on a nice suit, but I won't drop $60-100 on a freaking pair of blue jeans. Besides, I have enough of a hard time buying a kilt for more than $100. (But I use my obsessive compulsive nature regarding kilts as an excuse for that)
8th December 05, 10:19 AM
This reminds me of my father who passed on in 1997. When I was a teenager the suit coats with skinny lapels and ties about an in wide were in fashion. My father, at that time bought a taylor made, double breated suit with wide lapels. He wore it with wide ties. When I ask him why he didn't get what was in style, he replied that he dressed in what he liked, and what looked good, not what was in fashion.
He was a WWII Navy veteran, and quickly corrected me one day when we were watching something on TV where there were men wearing kilts. I think I made some stupid remark about the "dresses" the men were wearing. He informed me about the Highland Regiments in WWII that earned the nickname "The Ladies from Hell." Although my father never wore a kilt, I could tell that it was a garment for which he had great respect.
8th December 05, 10:31 AM
What you said Darrell, about the timeless quality of the kilt rings true, they have always looked good even in the pictures from the past. So yes it does ring true about being "retro"
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
8th December 05, 10:47 AM
I've checked out some of the fashions:
And these guys think kilts will make them look gay.
8th December 05, 10:55 AM
All I have to say is that I am so glad that I'm not fashionable:
What's with all the make-up? I know women who are more masculine than that! (Okay, they're lesbians but that's not the point). ;)
And I always thought that guy's weren't supposed to wear "high-water" pants. This cr** is rediculous.

Of course, just look at the 2 guys in the background. They look even sillier.
And good Lord, somebody get these dandies some socks.
8th December 05, 11:01 AM
 Originally Posted by GlassMan
All I have to say is that I am so glad that I'm not fashionable:
Now remember, as Larry the Cable Guy says, "The Constitution guarantees the right to BARE arms.":grin:
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
8th December 05, 12:28 PM
Egad, That'll Do
If you keep posting smut like that, the Administrator is going to shut this thread down.
The posters at fashion.illness.com or whatever it is bashed us, and that's bad. But posting these pictures is just adding insult to injury. I mean, we GET it; they're sissies. Now just ... [shudder] ... drop it.
Crap, now I have to go change my contacts. My eyes feel dirty.
8th December 05, 12:31 PM
 Originally Posted by GlassMan
All I have to say is that I am so glad that I'm not fashionable:
What's with all the make-up? I know women who are more masculine than that! (Okay, they're lesbians but that's not the point). ;)
And I always thought that guy's weren't supposed to wear "high-water" pants. This cr** is rediculous.
Of course, just look at the 2 guys in the background. They look even sillier.
And good Lord, somebody get these dandies some socks.
This may be totally non-pc, but as I'm reading this post and seeing these horrid pictures, the song "Johnny Are You Queer" by Josie Cotton (Valley Girl soundtrack) cued up and started playing on my computer. And no, I didn't pick the song. I have Winamp set to play all my songs randomly. Coincidence? ;)
8th December 05, 01:10 PM
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