8th December 05, 09:12 PM
 Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
I'll agree, this can't be beat, S&M can.
Or, at least, its practioners can...
8th December 05, 09:12 PM
Why are we still talking about those wankers?
Never mind. Ridiculing them is fun. Carry on. :smile:
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
8th December 05, 11:46 PM
Carry on I shall!
Real men wear floral designs! LOL!
Real men wear lipstick!
Real men wear bras!
And coming 2008, to a fashion runway near you:
Real men have vaginas!
I'm glad to know these nitwits feel sooooo comfortably heterosexual in pink trousers, frilly t-shirts, and lip gloss, that they will trash a burly Scotsman for wearing a kilt.... ??:
9th December 05, 12:18 AM
A part of me can't help but wonder if the major fashion designers get together in secret, have far too many drinks maybe some illegal drugs and then ask each other (while binge eating twinkies) what the most outrageous, silly and useless ideas are that they can foist on the "fashion-conscious" cogniscenti and still have those ideas be accepted as de rigeuor.
That's the only possible thing I can think of that would explain this trash.
9th December 05, 08:18 AM
Glassman, interesting idea! I can think of some ideas that I and some friends have come up with while knocking back a few that were really horrible ideas when reviewed in the ligh of the following day and sobriety! The difference is, we would only have embarassed ourselves, not convinced others to embarass themselves!
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
9th December 05, 08:49 AM
Y'know, very little that you see on the runway ever gets to the mass market. Mostly the shows are to showcase concepts and the items aren't intended for production. Granted, most of the concepts are ugly, silly, stupid and absurd, but then, we prefer style over fashion anyway. Add to all this, you can bet most of the models wouldn't voluntarily wear that crap either, they only wear it when they're paid, and then only for a short time.
9th December 05, 06:32 PM
 Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
How about a kilt made out of this stuff!!
On second thought... forget the kilt. How about an Argyll jacket instead.:razz:
Oh man, I got the most obnoxius camo. material that I'm going to try and make a kilt out of. (it was on sale for like 2.00 a yard) There was some nascar material I thought about grabbing to to make one just as a joke.
9th December 05, 06:53 PM
Oh My Goddess
First of all all of the gay men I know don't wear kilts.Some of them are interested in what I wear under there.What's funny is all of those fashion "guys" saying some thing else is gay?
What a bunch of ninnys.
9th December 05, 07:24 PM
 Originally Posted by Angus MacSpey
Real men wear bras!
What are we going to call it? The Bro? Or the Manzier ;)
9th December 05, 07:42 PM
 Originally Posted by michael steinrok
First of all all of the gay men I know don't wear kilts.Some of them are interested in what I wear under there.
Yeahhh, I had a gay dude try and put his hand up the front of my kilt last weekend. The only reasons he did not get beat down was due to the fact one of my friends knew him and I knew the owner of the bar I was in. Plus, I was having a good time in the place, didn't feel like screwing up an evening because of a drunk idiot.
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