29th January 06, 07:51 AM
well at least we can be confident that a kilt is not an indecent garment. I believe that some standards of decency should be maintained, a loincloth clearly crosses the line, they deserve what they get!
However, there are double standards maybe, each year here in Sydney there is a mardi gras where people expose themselves and get away with it.
I'll stick with the kilt, it's a perfect balance of tradition, freedom and decency.
29th January 06, 08:25 AM
a loincloth clearly crosses the line
Yup, clear as mud.
Remember when you werent supposed to shows knees or ankles? Decency is contextual, and the context is cultural. Had people seen the two brothers in a National Geographic program, walking in the bush it would have been fine (and shown quite plainly on prime time TV). Walking downtown its another, though the difference is entirely in their head.
29th January 06, 09:55 AM
Decency is contextual, and the context is cultural.
Yaish is correct, decency is culturaly defined. While there is a difference between wearing a loincloth to the mall and a kilt to your senior prom, the recations expressed by "official" society stem from the same same place. The worldview of the Zimbabwe officials dictate that traditional dress belongs only in a traditional setting. The highschool principals' worldview does not accept kilts at a dance.
I am sure that many of us have experienced times where the fact that we are kilted has made people uncomfartable or down right hostile. There are times and locations where even my wife is uncomfortable with my my wearing a kilt. Mainly because of the attention it draws.
While wearing a loin cloth might be an extreme example, it is still an example of a clash of differing worldviews and cultural agendas, and it is only different in degrees from the feelings and reactions that members of this board sometimes cause in their daily lives.
Sorry, I am a trained anthropologist, even if my main feild of study is archaeology not cultural anthropology.
29th January 06, 10:43 AM
Funny thing about cultural dictates is everybody believes theirs is a law of nature and must be observed universally. There are cultures that demand extensive covering of the body, others where nudity often exists but is simply not "seen" and all stages in between. There are cultures where nudity is a worse crime than blowing up buildings full of people. Put it all together and all it proves is humans are nuts.
29th January 06, 11:54 AM
Decency is cultural...and in our culture, they were indecent. Nobody should try to change culture by being rude and shocking about it.
29th January 06, 12:21 PM
I would say that decency IS a culture bound syndrome...in cultures with hundreds of years of traditions and and beliefs, but american "culture" is such a melting pot of beliefs and traditions from all over the world that to say that in our "culture" they were indecent would be to assume that everyone here thinks that skin exposure is indecent. So, it is up to one's opinion to call this indecent.
29th January 06, 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by toadinakilt
Decency is cultural...and in our culture, they were indecent.
In our culture, sure... but the culture involved is Zimbabwean! Why shouldn't the traditional have a place alongside the modern... or rather, foreign?
As a woman, if I saw a man walking around Bucks County PA, in a loincloth, I'd be a little shocked, sure. It's not something you see every day. But James has a good point- if I lived in Zimbabwe, I might certainly approve of someone saying basically, "We live in Africa. It doesn't make sense to wear suits. This is how we've dressed for hundreds of years, why abandon it for someone other country's social mores?"
Oh- loincloths as I understand them cover about the same as a swimsuit- and some more than a skintight speedo type! They're either a strip of fabric containing/covering the genitals and rear held on with a belt, or a longer strip doing the same, but held on with it's own belt. Either way- covers both the front and back.
29th January 06, 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by bubba
Put it all together and all it proves is humans are nuts.
He he... I'm sure you were being humorous, but I like your conclusion. A lot of the time, I feel the same.
29th January 06, 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Shay
..."We live in Africa. It doesn't make sense to wear suits...
I suppose that next time they could try wearing their loincloths with a jacket and tie. Some nice brogues maybe.
29th January 06, 07:16 PM
Just to kind of drive home the message, in Japan public displays of affection are indecent. So be sure when on vacation there, never kiss your wife until you get back to the hotel room (even a peck on the cheek)
In the middle east, it is indecent to hand someone something with your left hand, or to eat food with it. Be sure to use your right hand for everything (even you southpaws) except wiping yourself after using the bathroom.
In Thailand, its indecent to show someone the bottom of your foot, or to have your feet above the level of someones head. Be sure you dont cross your legs, but I dont know what you would do on staircases or in stadium seating.
Yeah, in a lot of ways I am very socially permissive. Basically, if it isnt hurting me or mine, go ahead and do it. A little bit of skin never hurt anybody, though it sure does seem to get the blood pressure of some people up.
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