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  1. #1
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    What if one of us was a professional clown? Are you saying that person should only poke fun at other "cultures" but not his own chosen culture?

    I refuse to take myself that seriously. ;) If you can't laugh at yourself, you have no business asking others to.

  2. #2
    macwilkin is offline
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    cultural humour...

    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    What if one of us was a professional clown? Are you saying that person should only poke fun at other "cultures" but not his own chosen culture?

    I refuse to take myself that seriously. ;) If you can't laugh at yourself, you have no business asking others to.
    You missed my meaning; I simply stated that if a clown dressed up in another form of ethnic garb, then other ethnic groups would be screaming "murder polis" about it.



  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    You missed my meaning; I simply stated that if a clown dressed up in another form of ethnic garb, then other ethnic groups would be screaming "murder polis" about it.


    I don't recall where, but I've seen clowns in Indian get-ups.

    Look, I don't want to get into a fight over this. I'm just saying that, in my opinion, this isn't something to get upset about; it's a costume, that's all! ...and if he includes some kilt humor in his act, so what? - Maybe it's actually funny.

    As I said, it takes a thick skin to wear a kilt. If someone gets upset every time they percieve "disrespect", they're gonna be a pretty miserable person. Lighten up, and enjoy life. Don't look for offense; life's to short to waste it like that.

  4. #4
    macwilkin is offline
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    missing the point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    I don't recall where, but I've seen clowns in Indian get-ups.

    Look, I don't want to get into a fight over this. I'm just saying that, in my opinion, this isn't something to get upset about; it's a costume, that's all! ...and if he includes some kilt humor in his act, so what? - Maybe it's actually funny.

    As I said, it takes a thick skin to wear a kilt. If someone gets upset every time they percieve "disrespect", they're gonna be a pretty miserable person. Lighten up, and enjoy life. Don't look for offense; life's to short to waste it like that.
    I never said that I am "offended" by it -- in fact, you'll notice that I state in my original post that I am playing "devil's advocate" -- a term which means that I may not necessarily agree with what is being said, but that POV needs to be represented in the conversation.

    Am I proud of my Scottish heritage? You bet. Am I going to get upset about (literalry) a clown in a kilt. Not especially. As I stated earlier, I'm not going to protest Ringling Brothers over it, it's not worth it.

    So, please, don't misunderstand me -- I think Ugly Bear raised some very valid points, and regardless of whether you agree with him, He (and others) have a right not to view the situation in the same way that others do.

    Respect is a two way street.

    Last edited by macwilkin; 30th January 06 at 06:43 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    ...but that POV needs to be represented in the conversation.
    which is why I stuck my two cents in as well.
    ...Respect is a two way street.
    I am trying to present my Laissez-faire philosphy respectfully. I was not ridiculing anyone on purpose, and if it seems like I was, I apologize. ...but like you said, points of view need to be represented; that was mine.

  6. #6
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    which is why I stuck my two cents in as well.
    I am trying to present my Laissez-faire philosphy respectfully. I was not ridiculing anyone on purpose, and if it seems like I was, I apologize. ...but like you said, points of view need to be represented; that was mine.
    Understand and respect what you're saying, Iolaus. 10 years of wearing "funny clothes" (kilts and various reenacting & living history uniforms, plus the NPS Ranger uniform) has "thickened my skin", but I also believe (as you do too) in speaking my mind and not "hauling down the colours" when I believe in something.


  7. #7
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    And such is the nature of Lampoon!

  8. #8
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    Hmmmh, are we being a little to PC here? It's a circus. You go to have fun and enjoy yourself. We went to the Ringling circus here back before the holidays and saw the clown in the kilt. I was also kilted in the audience. I thought nothing about it other than to think it was good to see a kilt being brought into the act. To me it meant that the kilt was well known and mainstream enough to include in the act. Was it disrespect or a slam on the kilt? Not to me. Others may have other opinions, but it seems like we are really going a little overboard on this. If the clown in the kilt bothers you, what about the liquor ads posted here a few weeks ago making fun at the question? Did those also bother people? They were just as non-PC in terms of respecting the Scottish heritage.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  9. #9
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    WOW...This wasn't the response I was expecting when I started this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
    I thought nothing about it other than to think it was good to see a kilt being brought into the act. To me it meant that the kilt was well known and mainstream enough to include in the act. Was it disrespect or a slam on the kilt? Not to me.
    Thanks KCW, I couldn't have said it better myself. Too bad you didn't get a picture with him.

  10. #10
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    Hi Todd,

    Not at all. I was not trying to block anyone's right to have a differing opinion. It just seems that sometimes we get into disagreements and try to be politically correct to the extreme. He double hockey sticks, it has gotten so bad in some situations that I want to make a comment to someone at work and feel afraid to because I don't want somebody to get the wrong idea. If a clown wearing a kilt is offensive or non-PC, then why is a clown wearing pants not? Maybe it is because I saw the show, but the kilt was no more than a piece of clothing. The clown could have been wearing pants, a skirt, lederhosen, or speedos and still would have been funny because of his antics, not what he was wearing. I am just saying that I did not take offense or see that it was offensive. Others can and will have differnet opinions.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

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