Ugly Bear,

You have become blinded by your opinion and completely missed my point. You said you see no point in arguing with people who do not how to argue but yet you offered no counter argument to my point. You said in your original post that having a circus clown in a kilt is not a dignified means of promoting kilts as an alternative to trousers (This is called paraphrasing so don't get your panties in a bunch)

Quote Originally Posted by Ugly Bear
Oh, good. Here I was just wondering what we could do to promote kilt-wearing as a viable option to trousers, and the answer comes: a kilted clown. Of course. That'll make kilts seem dignified.

Does Ringling Bros. get my support for this? Uhh ... no.
My point was not about the definitions of the words "boycott" or "support" I am arguing that if you are going to look at a circus clown in kilt as having a potentially negative impact on the kilted community then you need to look at all the negative sources i.e. the portrayal of Duncan and Willie as buffoons.