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Join Date
3rd August 05
Jefferson City, Missouri
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First of all, I hope you have another job to go to. Was this due to a kilt wearing issue where you preferred to wear the kilt to work, but the boss would not allow it?
No...had nothing to do with me wearing a kilt, although...perhaps the power of the kilt did help me to do this.
I'm working at the same restaurant for 14 years now, not happy with the way they treat me for several years.
I told them I will stay until July, so they have time to find someone else (that won't be easy)...gives me time to think of something else also.
I might start a small kiltpin business :mrgreen:
My wife Michelle earns enough (understatement), we've no kids, no debts, so there's no financial need to stay. Michelle likes to see a happy hubby and she supports my decision.
I've always threatened my boss that one day I'm just gotta chunk it all in and become a bartender...at least I could wear my kilts to work all the time...
Way to go. If you need any advice on starting your own business, just let me know. I've never been happier about work than since I started working for myself.