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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beery
    ... Sadly it seems that all too often the love of one's country and heritage is corrupted into the hatred of other countries.
    Soooooo true!

  2. #62
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    Great thread, and this post is ONE of over 1000 new posts I'm trying to catch up on over the few days I've been away.

    I regard myself as a New World Celt, and have helped in my understanding of that by the group of the same name.

    I am of celtic stock in a new land, Australia, in my case.
    My body was born in England and is now here, my heart is in Ireland and Scotland.
    That's it!

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz
    ... if there was a war between Scotland and the country that you live now, and you had a choice as to which side to fight for, who would it be?
    Wow.... What an interesting hypothetical, HD.

    All I can say is that Scotlands blood is so deeply ingrained in the fabric of this country (Canada) that such a thing would be , to my mind, tantamount to a civil war. In such cases, one fights for a cause. Saying more than that treads on political ground but I know where my heart lies.

    Perhaps a less sensitive question to ask would be... What National Anthem stirs your soul when you hear it. Do you know the name of the offical national anthem of Scotland ? What the adopted national anthem is? What the music sounds like ? What the words are?

    Try humming a few bars right now.


  4. #64
    Graham's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by highlander_Daz
    ... if there was a war between Scotland and the country that you live now, and you had a choice as to which side to fight for, who would it be?

    neither, I'm a pacifist, ie I will not support the killing of others. but this is really OT, sorry.

  5. #65
    Moosehead's Avatar
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    Highlander daz said:
    you can be born in Scotland yet not be a Scot, many people of asian or chinese descent are born her and contunue to be "chinese" or "asian", you can be born elsewhere and be a Scot - Sandy Lyle the Scots golfer wasnt born in Scotland yet hes no less a Scot.
    Do those "Asians" consider themselves Scots, or is it the surrounding society who considers them not Scottish? And, if you can be born elsewhere and be a Scot, then why not those of us here across the pond? What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    Personally, I would never say I'm Scottish, or Irish, or English...I'm Canadian descended from all three. But, thats my choice.
    All I can say is that Scotlands blood is so deeply ingrained in the fabric of this country (Canada) that such a thing would be , to my mind, tantamount to a civil war. In such cases, one fights for a cause.
    Agreed. The Fenian raids from the States in the early 1800s kinda showed this.

  6. #66
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    All I can say is that Scotlands blood is so deeply ingrained in the fabric of this country (Canada) that such a thing would be, to my mind, tantamount to a civil war.
    There's already been one, Blu -- The American Revolution, which many historians view as a secession, and not a true revolution per se. The Black Watch takes no battle honours in their regimental history for the Revolution, because they consider it a war between "kith and kin". Scots fought on both sides.

    Perhaps a less sensitive question to ask would be... What National Anthem stirs your soul when you hear it. Do you know the name of the offical national anthem of Scotland ? What the adopted national anthem is? What the music sounds like ? What the words are?
    The "official" National Anthem of Scotland: "God Save the Queen".
    The "adopted" Anthem: "Flower of Scotland", although "Land of Light", "A Man's a Man" and "Freedom Come a' ye" (by the late Hamish Henderson) all have been candidates.

    btw, the song played for the American President, "Hail to the Chief", is actually a Scottish song. ;)



  7. #67
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    "Flower of Scotland" is the unofficial anthem and is played at sporting events for the natiol team, Scotland the brave was used often at sporting events prior to FOS being written, God save the queen is the national anthem of the UK even though it contains a verse (6)thats seen as an insult to Scots and is rarely sang

    "6. Lord grant that Marshal Wade
    May by thy mighty aid
    Victory bring.
    May he sedition hush,
    And like a torrent rush,
    Rebellious Scots to crush.
    God save the King!"


    Scotland the Brave originally had a very different melody but has been altered for the range of the great Highland bagpipe.

    Scotland the Brave
    "Hark when the night is falling,
    Hear! hear the pipes are calling,
    Loudly and proudly calling,
    Down thro' the glen.
    There where the hills are sleeping,
    Now feel the blood a-leaping,
    High as the spirits of the old Highland men.
    Towering in gallant fame,
    Scotland my mountain hame,
    High may your proud standards gloriously wave,
    Land of my high endeavour,
    Land of the shining river,
    Land of my heart for ever,
    Scotland the brave.
    High in the misty Highlands
    Out by the purple islands,
    Brave are the hearts that beat
    Beneath Scottish skies.
    Wild are the winds to meet you,
    Staunch are the friends that greet you,
    Kind as the love that shines from fair maidens' eyes.
    Far off in sunlit places
    Sad are the Scottish faces,
    Yearning to feel the kiss
    Of sweet Scottish rain.
    Where the tropics are beaming
    Love sets the heart a-dreaming,
    Longing and dreaming for the hameland again.
    Chorus "

  8. #68
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    "I am an American by Citizenship, a Virginian by Birth, a Male by Gender, a Christian by Profession of Faith, but of Scottish Descent by the Grace of God!"

    I think that just about gets it.

    I beleive that as Americans we all long to connect with our pre-diaspora heritage. While I will never be Scottish I can still be proud of my Scot forefathers. My grandfather, who was not 1st generation would often say, " Damn it all, I'm a Scot!"

    Wearing the clan tartan for me represents my identifaction with my mother's side of the family. I am a member of the clan Montgomery, it has nothing to do with my nationality. If the Chief says you're a member your a member and you could come from the moon. The ruling from the Montgomerys is as long as there is a single drop of Montgomery in ya, your a Montgomery.

    My brothers are both saddly Morris with no great feeling of connection to the Montgomerys. I wear the tartan and they don't.

    To answer the original question, grab onto your heritage man and Hold Fast.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by highlander_Daz View Post
    Its a number of factors,

    you can be born in Scotland yet not be a Scot, many people of asian or chinese descent are born her and contunue to be "chinese" or "asian", you can be born elsewhere and be a Scot - Sandy Lyle the Scots golfer wasnt born in Scotland yet hes no less a Scot. Bonnie prince Charlie was born in Italy but is seen as Scottish by many (but not myself) HM the queen Mother was born in London but is seen as a Scot (her father was the earl of Strathmore) Rod Stewart was born in London but regards himself as a Scot.

    Accents, many Scots nobles have cut glass English accents, Gordon Ramsey has an English accent as does Colin Montgomery,

    Parentage? Sean Connerys father was Irish so technically hes only half Scottish yet hes the greatest living Scotsman ! Billy Connelys Father was Irish yet hes a Scot, William Wallace was of Welsh descent, and The Bruce was of european descent.

    so theres no easy answer, I think a lot of our cousins across the pond get a little confused becasue in the US and Canada you can jump through some hoops, swear an oath and instantly become "American" or "Canadian" Its not possible to do that in Scotland -the nearest you can get is British citizenship, and the right to live in Scotland, if you were to come and live in Scotland and settle youd be one of Jack McConnells "new Scots" eventually youd gain an accent of some description and adapt to Scottish culture then you might become a Scot. I think its important that you recognise that you can be a "American/Canadian/Mexican" of Scots descent, I have family who live in England who call themselves Anglo-Scots born in England but with Scots family connections,

    I dont know if Ill get away with this on the forum but we will try it, Id like to ask the people who live abroad but say "Im Scottish" the question is as follows:

    if there was a war between Scotland and the country that you live now, and you had a choice as to which side to fight for, who would it be?


  10. #70
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    Well was born and raised in the States although have many lines in genealogy that trace to Scotland.I claim to have Scots ancestry dont say Im Scottish because well people tend to think you mean born there when you say that.I dont think you need to be Scot to wear a kilt or love the Country.I think if you can claim Scots ancestry and be proud of that blood then in a way you are a Scot.Thats just my views though.

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