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Thread: Ipod questions

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilted Taper
    .... With a few 3rd party software "fixes" I can do anything I need (transfer to and from the iPod being the biggest). ...
    Why do you have to have the fixes?

    "restrictive BS Apple institutes" so if I load mp3 to an Ipod and I want to
    transfer it to my work pc I will not be able to?? Is this why I need a Fix for IPOD??
    "Every man dies. Not every man really lives"

  2. #12
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    Love my ipod w/remote and docking station. I'm addicted to podcast and I love ripping movies to it so I can have something to watch while I'm working away from home.

    Worth the price I think.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 646guy
    Ella is my diva...Diana Krall is a very close runner up but nothing matches Ella singing Gershwin in my book....
    Cleo Laine singing damned near anything

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubba
    Cleo Laine singing damned near anything
    I had a bad Cleo Laine experience so I'm not that enthralled with her. She was singing at the Jacksonville Jazz Festival in the 90s and she was just OFF to the point that we were so annoyed that we named the proverbial "last nerve" after her and from henceforth we have called it the "Cleo Nerve."

    Some of those who were there saw her perform at a smaller venue and said she was MUCH better there so they chalked it up to a potential sound problem...

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltedmusiclover
    Why do you have to have the fixes?

    "restrictive BS Apple institutes" so if I load mp3 to an Ipod and I want to
    transfer it to my work pc I will not be able to?? Is this why I need a Fix for IPOD??
    Most of this is because of RIAA. Yes, it's your music, but sometimes the recording industry thinks differently. It's Apple's way of stating that the iPod is not a tool to pirate music, but if you want to do it, they can't stop you. They've taken reasonable measures to protect copright law.

    --Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich

    The Most Honourable Dale the Unctuous of Giggleswick under Table

  6. #16
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    Nelson, I have to assume that you are a Windows User. But I am not going to hold that against you. I have my iPod for almost 2 years and I absolutely love mine. Since we are a Mac household, iPod is pretty much the only choice I have and it is not a piece of technology that I regrett getting.

    With iPod's popularity, there are a lot more aftermarket accessories for them. If you are are planning to use it when driving, you can get one of those FM Transmitter/powercord combo. That is the onething you will need to play music in your car. One Cable. If you don't want to leave on the front seat, there is a little cupholder thing for holding up it.

  7. #17
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    I too went against the ipod craze. I got a Creative Zen Touch for Christmas (20gb) and I love it. It's fairly straightforward and has a [claimed] battery life of 24 hrs. I haven't seen any problems with it so far.

  8. #18
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    I was originally looking for an iPod as I loved the one I borrowed from my sister. However when I looked around for an mp3 player of my own, I actually found that the iRiver was more something that suited my needs and wants in an mp3 player. It holds ample music, has a voice recorder (not like I have used it), and has FM radio on it. I have nothing against iPods, but I am glad I did not go that route and instead got something just as good for a lot less.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltedmusiclover
    So here are my questions:

    1. Is Apple the best??

    Either the ipod or the iriver, they have the best sound quality and ease of use of all the mp3 players I have checked out

    2. How about the battery? I recall that it was very expensive to replace the battery if it

    I have an ipod mini and I have gotten full battery life out of it but how you use your ipod determines how long the battery lasts, ie, how loud, turning the back light on ,constantly changing songs,etc.
    I would invest in a quality pair of headphones, thay will allow you to have quality sound at a lower volume, which will save your hearing and contribute to a longer battery life.

    I also invested in a plug in wall charger for when I'm traveling and am away from my computer to charge the ipod.

    I also have a charger and fm transmitter tat I use in my car to listen to it since my car doesn't have a line out for the stereo or a cassette deck.


  10. #20
    iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod.

    Even if it's one of the smaller ones, but for $300 you can get a great little iPod.

    iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod.

    I have a Creative Labs Zen Micro.

    iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod. iPod.

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