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Thread: On a light note

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Hawick, Scotland
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    On a light note

    Finally took the plunge and wore a kilt to the flying club yesterday, the only circle of friends who hadn't seen me in the kilt before as the airport is across the border in England and kilt not practicable for climbing into small planes. We had a visit to air traffic control at Prestwick in Ayrshire, including lunch in a restaurant on the airport perimeter, travelling there by road. I wore my 16oz black kilt and drove to Carlisle Airport where I met up with the group and travelled with them from there to Prestwick. One or two complemented me on being dressed smartly for a Sunday outing and someone asked if I found it airy to which I replied that on the contrary, due to the heavy weight of the wool material, I was actually very warm. I took this photo from the outside balcony of the control tower of an Atlas Air Boeing 747 on its take off run.
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 6th February 06 at 10:52 AM. Reason: add a photo

  2. #12
    Moosehead's Avatar
    Moosehead is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Personally, I would never consider wearing a kilt whilst flying. Having had a cockpit fire before, even wearing nomex, my legs were badly singed.

  3. #13
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    I'll have to ask my FIL if he's ever had a cockpit fire, not counting his two tours in 'Nam.

    Moosehead, just pull your kilt hose up--wool has a very high burn temp.

  4. #14
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    On a Light Note

    As a follow up to my kilted visit to air traffic control one of the female flying instructors said she had flown while wearing a skirt and high heels so there was absolutely no reason why I couldn't fly kilted. Yesterday I was taking Ann out for a meal after flying so thought I would give it a try; would save taking a change of clothes with me. Getting in and out of a Piper Tomahawk in the kilt was absolutely no problem; the only potential problem was wearing brogues which don't give as good a grip for climbing in and out as do training shoes.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

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