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  1. #1
    starbkjrus's Avatar
    starbkjrus is offline
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    Sequel to Kilted Karibbean Kruising

    Ok all, this really does not belong here but I just had to post what I'm pasting in below......can't say much more.........

    (It's pasted in below simply because used a word procesor to get it right. The word are my own -- no one elses.)

    Gentlemen (and Ladies),

    This really does not belong here (MODS you may wish to lock this thread but I ask you to please not delete it. This does not really discuss kilts but the message really needs to get out.)

    This is a followup to Kilted Karibbean Kruising.

    Guys, we had an excellent time -- for the third time in two years. The third time in two years that one of our stops has been “Labadee”, Haiti. For three trips I have wondered just what was the story about the nearby village of Labadie and what of the inhabitants.

    Here is what I know of their story.....

    Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and one of the worst run (surprise surprise!) I will not get into politics at all but I will tell you about an organization that is trying to help.

    OK this sounds like a promotion or a request for money -- IT IS NOT.

    My Partner spent 30 years in the Catholic School Board of Ontario. As Principal of a school called Catholic Central High School in Windsor Ontario his chaplain was one Fr. John Duarte whom I finally had the pleasure to meet while at Coco Beach in northwest Haiti just last week. Coco Beach is a private enclave owned by Royal Caribbean, separated from the “locals” by abt 30 feet of iron fence and razor wire. This is indeed meant to protect the passengers from the local (meaning most of Haiti) unrest. And unrest it is.

    All I ask is that any one of you that wishes to, please go to http://www.htfh.org (Hearts Together for Haiti) and just browse the web site. Hearts Together for Haiti is supported in large part by the London (ON) Catholic Diocese.

    Again, I’m not asking anyone for money nor am I asking on behalf of anyone else. I just would like folks to be aware of this.

    PS. the Cruise Ship in the back ground of some of the pics is ours. The Navigator shows up very often there. Very ironic for a multi-million dollar cruise ship to park in a gorgeous harbor in one of the poorest places in the world.
    Last edited by starbkjrus; 7th February 06 at 05:58 PM.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Hague, The Netherlands
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    I think it's good to show this...maybe not something you like to witness when on vacation, but it's the sad reality. We are rich...they are poor...and worse.

    Thanks for showing...you're a good man...you didn't turn away from the suffering.

    Cheers to you, to them and to all who at least try to help other people.


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