I used to frequent a Yahoo Groups message board about a particular style of non-traditional kilts.
While I liked the kilt brand in question, I got fed up with the bickering, rudeness and general intolerance of many of the board participants.
Then someone made a somewhat disparaging comment about this site as being "too civilized."
I signed up and haven't regretted a second of it!!
In my case link from Bravehearts website which I found by searching "black.kilt" - was curious as to where all the self colour kilts disappear to after people buy them - Kilt Shop in Galashiels sells plenty of grey and black kilts yet it is rare to see anybody else wearing one.
Last edited by cessna152towser; 13th February 06 at 03:58 PM.
Reason: incomplete
I googled kilts in Indiana, looking to see if anyone else in my neck of the woods had caught this addiction. I found the XMarks site, lurked for a while, then joined.
"I don't know, and so I laugh"