16th February 06, 02:59 PM
 Originally Posted by MacSimoin
Many years ago while at college, I was in between classes and needed to dash home one bright sunny day for some reason or another. My roommates and I shared a three-story apartment and I recall having to go up to the third floor to my bedroom for whatever it was I needed. After a few minutes, I went back downstairs and left the apartment only to forget my sunglasses (which I wear outdoors daily, in nearly all weather conditions, due to a lifelong case of photophobia). I went back inside and had a look around but I couldn’t find them anywhere. Needless to say, I was a bit puzzled since I normally know where my sunglasses are at all times (because of the light sensitivity issue).
Over ten minutes of searching and I became understandingly frustrated that I couldn’t find the sunglasses. I decided to retrace my steps, but this turned out to be fruitless as well. Eventually, after coming back downstairs and giving the kitchen and dining room one last look, I decided to give up and walked into the living room to leave the apartment...and passed a mirror that hung on the short hallway wall between the dining and living rooms. I stopped suddenly in my tracks, having a good look at myself in the mirror and shaking my head...my sunglasses were on my face.
This reminds of when I did a play in high school that required me to a change between scenes. I was covering four small parts over the course of a three act play and ran through to the other side to get dressed to go on as one of the "detectives" who were to secure the premises. I then had to come off, change clothes to be the delivery man, then go back on as the detective a remove a sarcophagus that actually had someone inside! I ran to the other side of the stage after my exit and started frantically changing clothes but could not find my delivery man jeans.
I remember asking my castmate where my jeans were as I was panicking and he finally just pointed at my legs. Of course, I was wearing them....
16th February 06, 05:54 PM
How about this?
I just read an article in our paper about a guy towing a snowmobile and needed to turn the vehicle around. He went into what he thought was a big parking lot and ended up backing into the 225 foot radio antenna tower and topling it! It landed on the station's building, not him. The radio station is off the air for a while, but he got his vehicle turned around. What does one say when that happen, "Oops!"
 Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
KCW, the memory card was not a survivor. 
I've worked in construction and landscaping nearly 15 years.If it can be ran into or over, I've probably done it. Porta-Potties are near the top of the list. 
16th February 06, 08:57 PM
I just realized that I've found a way to break-in a new sporran,as was asked in this thread. Run over it with a dozer.
16th February 06, 09:45 PM
Ok , i do not think this one counts as stupid, but slightly embarassing. My agency is a not-for-profit and we were holding a conference for about 400 people, with national and international attendees. To keep cost down, we had begged and borrowed audio-visual, and laptop computers. Since i know more technical stuff than most of the people i work with I was made the tech person and trouble shooter. The presenter brought their own equipment, laptop and LCD projector, i checked with her and she said she has all the directions and review them with her staff before leaving. So i went to the next rooms to check on them. So she starts and the images are upside down, they come and get me. The room had about a 100 people, never saw a machine like she was using. i tried what you would normally do, did not work, so i turned the projector upside down and that righted the picture.. i said "well i guess we need to think outside the box", there was some applause and laughing" (it was a conference on changing the culture of nursing homes). Told my boss what happened he laughed, than i told him what group it was and he said the president of our company is in that room and alot of the board of directors
About 4 hours later the President of my company comes looking for me and says i was in that room, and you turned the projector upside down and said think outside the box! (mind you i had only been employeed there about 3 months) . I said I could not think of anything to fix the problem in a timely matter . She said good job!thats what the conference is all about "thinking outside the box!! and walked away... so for the last 2 days i was known as Outside the box guy!! by half the people there...
A few years latter someone apporached me at a conference i was attending on the other coast and said 'outside the box?" and we started laughing...
boy just think what could have happend if i had been wearing the Kilt!!!!
17th February 06, 05:37 AM
 Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
See! Out of something bad can come something good....at least I hope this is good....
17th February 06, 05:44 AM
Yep, a CAT D-6 definitely makes an lasting impression on anything it runs over!
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