I am wearing it to the office today and it is definitely great for the office! The tweed fits in so well! And Jeff's craftsmanship is awesome. I may have a new favorite kilt! At least for wearing to the office. Our admin really likes the look of this one, she knew right away it was a new kilt she had not seen. I need to stroll over to my other fashion critics and get their feedback.
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long
I am wearing it to the office today and it is definitely great for the office! The tweed fits in so well! And Jeff's craftsmanship is awesome. I may have a new favorite kilt! At least for wearing to the office. Our admin really likes the look of this one, she knew right away it was a new kilt she had not seen. I need to stroll over to my other fashion critics and get their feedback.
Oh just rub it in....*pout* If you ever get tired of that kilt (and it's in my size) you can always send it over to my chapter of the Kilt Adoption Agency. If not....well...what did you say your exact street address was....and when will you not be home???