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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th December 04
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    Getting Sponsors

    Has anyone ever gotten sponsored for anything before?

    I am trying to put together a local team of Highland Athletes that will train together for the Highland Games. I already have several who train with me now, and I got several more who want to when I was at the Queen Mary.

    One thing we need though is better equipment, and that can get very costly. Some of the individual pieces can cost several hundred dollars each. I'd like to get a few sponsors together to help defray the costs.

    I am figuring some of the energy drinks might, maybe some supplement of protein bar companies too. Maybe local gyms or sporting goods stores, or any scottish or irish merchandise stores too. Figuring out WHO isnt the problem, but I was wondering if anyone had done it before, and how it turned out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I've done it before. It's not easy but it can be done.

    I'd check with your regional Red Bull sales people or even your local beer distributors. They have $$$ to give to local sports teams but you just have pitch it to them correctly and offer them a series of benefits to them that are attractive enough so that they feel they are getting the value for their sponsorship money....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks. I have a friend who actually does Crunk sponsoring (energy drink, like Red Bull) so I might tap him. One of the biggest problems I can see is that other than wearing logo shirts at Games and practice we dont have much to offer.

    Any ideas on that angle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Logo on your team website as well. Any email blasts you send out you can announce it. Maybe a press release to your local press since you never know what will catch their attention. Drink their product at the event (which they will probably donate as well).

    It's limitless....


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