1 Copper wire was invented by two Scots fighting over a penny.
2 They heat knives in Scottish restaurants, so you don't use too much butter.
3 A Scotsman never buys an address book. He scores out the people he doesn't know in a telephone directory.
4 Scotsmen started wearing skirts because it was free for women to get into the football.
5 To avoid paying his fare, a Scot invented hiding in a train's toilet.
6 A Scot diving in a puddle to retrieve a five pence piece created Loch Lomond.
7 The most common ailment in Scottish hospitals is backache caused by locals stretching for their wallets.
8 A Scotsman goes to a wedding with elastic on his confetti.
9 If a Scotsman takes a coin out his sporran the queen blinks.
10 A Scotsman invented a cure for seasickness. He leant over the side of a boat with a ten pence in his mouth.