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  1. #1
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    Deluge of Pakistani Kilts on Ebay

    So using the X Bay link here went to Ebay to see what's up...on the general kilt link came up with over 2,000 hits and most of them from merchants listing every tartan and size they offer on a "buy now" deal.

    I'm green to Ebay. Just wondering if there are any search tricks to filter out all this insanity and only come up with private parties wanting to sell their kilts...or do ya gotta wade through the 2,000 hits?

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #2
    Bob C's Avatar
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    Sorry, Ron. I have made over 70 satisfactory transactions on Ebay and I surf it almost every day. But, I don't know how to limit the search to any particular kind of seller.

    Maybe you could include the word "used" or some other narrowing term in your search.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  3. #3
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    Can one search only for bids over $100? These cheap kilts all seem to be 40 quid.
    Ron Stewart
    'S e ar roghainn a th' ann - - - It is our choices

  4. #4
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    You can 'sort by price'. Lowest first, highest first, etc. The sort feature appears at the top right of the search results page.

  5. #5
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    You can do an advanced search to search by seller but you have to know their seller ID in order to do that....generally, I like searching through the whole list (for as long as my mind can endure) because you never know what you will find...

    Also general kilt searches could include sporrans, hose, pins, etc. so you may want to look to see if there's a Men's Clothing/Apparel link on the left...that should cut down the list somewhat....

  6. #6
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    morning Ron
    I went to the advanced search feature and filtered out (new,any size, skirt) and a couple of other words I DIDN'T want to have show up in my searches. I am sure I miss out on a few things but I also don't have to wade through nearly as many pages of STUFF.

    Good luck,


  7. #7
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    Search advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt
    ...Just wondering if there are any search tricks to filter out all this insanity and only come up with private parties wanting to sell their kilts...or do ya gotta wade through the 2,000 hits?

    I've been on eBay for a little over 5 years; maybe I can help. First, a link:

    eBay's Advanced Search

    Use this search to find specific sellers, bidders, etc. It's really only of use only if you know who you're looking for, if you know a specific item number or you want to seach eBay stores. Other than that, stick to a 'regular search'.

    There's a simple 'trick' to sifting through a large amount of search results. Let's say you key in the word kilt and click the Search button: You should be taken to the eBay Keyword page for that word. This will show you a breakdown of the search results by category; it also shows similar related searches.
    I suggest you skip this page unless you see something specific you're interested in. Otherwise, look to the right of where it says Matching Categories for the words Show items... and click on that. You should be taken to the first page of all items (5,982 items...120 pages!) on eBay that have the word kilt in the auction title. With me so far?

    Here's the 'tricky' part: You'll need to filter your search results by doing the following: Scrolling through the first page alone I can see several items I could care less about; reading the displayed words for each item, I look for words in the auction title that don't have anything to do with what I'm looking for. In the search box, the word kilt should still be there; add the following to the Search box (as an example): kilt -sporran -brooch -collar -jacket -barbie -charm -ladies -novelty -punk -fly (putting a minus in front of the words eliminates items that contain kilt and each filtered word).

    Voila! You've now narrowed the search down to 4,707 items. Keep looking for words in the titles that aren't related to what you're looking for until you're comfortable with the results. I will warn you and say that unless you're looking for something very specific, avoid clicking the "Search title and description" box underneath the Search button.

    I realize it seems very tedious and can take more time than you like (eBay's far from perfect) but filtering your search results can and does help (I think you can add up to 50 filtered words to a search now). However, I strongly suggest you be as specific as possible in your initial search before adding filtered words (no matter what you're looking for).

    Good luck.

  8. #8
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    Thanks Mac,

    Printed that out to work from. Learning new stuff is supposed to keep my brain from sliding downhill so fast...

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt
    So using the X Bay link here went to Ebay to see what's up...on the general kilt link came up with over 2,000 hits and most of them from merchants listing every tartan and size they offer on a "buy now" deal.

    I'm green to Ebay. Just wondering if there are any search tricks to filter out all this insanity and only come up with private parties wanting to sell their kilts...or do ya gotta wade through the 2,000 hits?

    I found some degree of success with the search ' vintage kilts'.Failing that the pictures used are ussually all the same and after a while you can get used to skipping the cheapies to get to the good stuff. Good luck.

  10. #10
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    Hmmmm vintage kilts...


    Must stop searching on ebay....

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