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  1. #11
    Join Date
    9th November 05
    Memphis, TN
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    I've had good luck with ebay, its how I found stillwater, but just make sure you read the feedback before you buy.

    I bought a sporran off ebay and it said it came out of canada. Well after a month it finally arrived, but it came out of pakistan instead.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    18th November 05
    Fairfax City, VA
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    I've had good luck on eBay as well but I'm very particular. I've also received some gifts from people that were purchased on eBay and found myself the recipient of cheap-junk. However, I've always been incredibly pleased with the presents because of the acceptance showed by the gift-giver. And hey, when I'm doing chemical glass etching, I need a less expensive kilt to wear that I don't mind damaging if an accident occurs.

    But when I've found a good product I've stuck with the seller. I've found that, as with almost anywhere else, if the price is too outlandishly cheap then there must be a reason for it. And if the prices are good but still not out of the ballpark then I'll probably be quite happy with my purchase.

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