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  1. #11
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    I don't have any advice to add, just a welcome aboard.

  2. #12
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    Hey thanks everyone for the warm n' fuzzy welcome, and the sage words of wisdom. I've mostly ruled out the idea of a PV at this point, and am currently considering the differences between 5 and 8 yard wool 13 oz'ers. Dr. James Chalmers of Advance Highland, who seems like a pretty honest and reputable gent, has told me that he thinks he could get me a customized wool kilt within 2 weeks if I order soon, as well as a good deal on shipping if I order some of my other equipment from him. His deal on matching black Argyll Jacket and Waistcoat is the best I've seen yet. (Though I'm not yet sure if a black Argyll would appear too formal for some events. I tend to think that most people wouldn't pay it much mind.)

    His 5 yard 13 oz's fall neatly within my price range, but I don't feel too informed about the nuances of 5 yrds vs. 8.

    The Wizard of BC and Sherry, thanks for the idea of having my great kilt converted into standard format. While it would not be ready in time for my upcoming event, it would be a really good use of resources, and is something i'm considering for the future.

    So now the main question is: Can I live with five yards, at least for a while? Maybe I need to cut some pork out of my budget to make room for 8 yards.

    Thanks everyone

  3. #13
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    The kilt store has what they call their "budget argyll" getup


    ...which with one of the standard tartans and a 5 yard kilt, will set you back about $575 if you choose one of the "universal" tartans. Not bad for the whole kit and caboodle. If you go for one of the family tartans, that much run up to $750, depending.
    Last edited by Alan H; 13th March 06 at 05:18 PM.

  4. #14
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    And as for 5 vs 8 yards, it is really more of a personal preference. Both will look the same if pleated the same way, stripe or sett, just that that the 8 yard will have more "swish". I can't imagine anyone other than the wearer (or possibly another kilt maker) would notice the difference.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluenote07
    So now the main question is: Can I live with five yards, at least for a while?

    I piped in an 8 yard kilt for a couple of years and recently bought a 5 yard kilt. Frankly, I prefer the 5 yarder over the 8 yarder. A 5 yard kilt is lighter and more evenly balanced than an 8 yard kilt, so it is more pleasant to wear.

    Furthermore, as KCW stated, the average person is not going to know you are wearing a 5 yard kilt. Its appearance is very similar to an 8 yard kilt, and the differences aren't obvious.

  6. #16
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    HI Scott and welcome to the board,

    I have the Black Watch heavy Wool from SWK and I have some 5yard casuals I made and the only real diference is the weight and warmth of the kilt, at least to me and I have gotten compliments wearing both. The time constaint is most likely your big concern? I see you don't like the Black Watch. Look at Jerrry's home page about his shadow and weather Lamont heavy weights at $145..you need to email Jerry.


    Might work for you. Again welcome to XMarks

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  7. #17
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    Welcome aboard Scott. I'd go along with the suggestions to have your graeat kilt made into a traditional kilt as long as your parents don't mind. If done correctly you should be able to get a fly plaid from the same material to complete the formal outfit. Just my two cents worth.

  8. #18
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I agree with Alan. I've use kiltstore.net several times, and have been impressed with their prices and service. Haven't ordered a kilt yet, but it is first on the list of makers for my next one!

  9. #19
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    Well. I decided that I could squeeze an 8-yarder into my budget, and have managed to find one in my clan tartan for a reasonable price( ), that can be delivered within my time frame! I'm feeling very good about my decision, despite the fact that my bank account is just about decimated with my purchase of several new kilt accesories. Well.. I've been looking for an excuse to get another job anyway.

    BTW, I highly recommend James Chalmers over at Avance Highland ltd. He is a really top-notch merchant who will bend over backwards to help you out. Some of his prices on certain items are quite good, particularly on ebay.

    Thanks all for your advice! I look forward to becoming part of the community!


  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluenote07
    Well. I decided that I could squeeze an 8-yarder into my budget, and have managed to find one in my clan tartan for a reasonable price( ), that can be delivered within my time frame! I'm feeling very good about my decision, despite the fact that my bank account is just about decimated with my purchase of several new kilt accesories. Well.. I've been looking for an excuse to get another job anyway.

    BTW, I highly recommend James Chalmers over at Avance Highland ltd. He is a really top-notch merchant who will bend over backwards to help you out. Some of his prices on certain items are quite good, particularly on ebay.

    Thanks all for your advice! I look forward to becoming part of the community!


    Be sure to let us know how the final order works out from Avance when it arrives (time for delivery, quality, etc.) because I've been tempted to buy some of their stuff before.

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