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  1. #21
    NewKilt's Avatar
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    My wife did not like the idea of me wearing kilts at first, but was tolerant. She warmed to the idea over time, and has even said I look nice. I think she was afraid of what people might say when we were out in public. After she had been out with me a few times and saw that it was no big deal, she has no problem being with me anywhere while I'm kilted.

    However, she doesn't understand why I need so many kilts . . . the addiction you know.


  2. #22
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    Thanks guys...

    Believe me, I'm not gonna jump in their business! I didn't get to the age I am by butting into folks personal stuff! I limit my advice to the few things I feel really confident about; primarily motorcycling, firearms, and film reviews!

    I will let my co-worker, the mutual friend, who knows them much better worry about this one if he wants to! He seems to think there is a bigger problem there too, but is at a loss as to how to help.

    I did find it enteresting that some of our members here have spouses that are not that supportive of the kilt thing, but as we've observed, everyone has a different give and take intheir relationships.

    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  3. #23
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    All the poor guy needs to do is reclaim his rightful place as head of the household. He should give her a big slap across the face, and a stern lecture: "B****! I wear the pants in this family! The skirts too! Now get your naked @$$ back in the kitchen!" Because, as we all know, while the modern woman claims to want a "sensitive new age guy," in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth.

    All kidding aside, it's not usually wise to stick your nose into other people's business.

    A story I heard once was about firefighters trying to keep civilians away from an extremely dangerous situation. Leave fires, bombs, and marriages to the pros.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angus MacSpey
    A story I heard once was about firefighters trying to keep civilians away from an extremely dangerous situation. Leave fires, bombs, and marriages to the pros.
    Exactly. When I was on the Ambulance a call we hated more than anything else was a domestic violence call because even though we knew that the victim was probably injured, we couldn't go in until police secured the scene. It's never wise to go in unarmed when the abuser might have a weapon (although I do remember one time in PG County when "aggressive oxygen therapy" was used by an ambulance crew that went in without police - for those wondering, "agressive oxygen therapy" is when the entire oxygen cylinder is applied with a decen amount of force to the head or gut of the person attempting to attack the ambulance crew!)

  5. #25
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    Not a case to get involved with.

    Now to my point, turning the question on its head: apart from their use by such people as miners, I consider jeans to be the most ugly and most unsuitable garment ever designed. Certainly when I become master of the universe they will be banned and wearers consigned to the scorpion pit!

    My family and friends know of this personal foible, but do not bow the knee to my whims, byt the same token I do not try to enforce my views upon others, and that includes my family.

    Which is I would suggest the way we should all live.


  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronstew
    I disagree with both Shay and MacSimoin. My opinion is that it is none of your business.

    But I think Shay, MacSimoin and I all agree that no good can come of it if you get involved.
    BTW, sorry I haven't been here, I'd like to point out that I did say don't give any advice, which I thought would translate as, "Don't get involved." Which isn't the same as none of your business, since he has talked to you and his wife has talked to your wife, which kind of made it your business.

    If he asks for your advice again, just say something like, "It sounds like the kilt is a possible source of contention here, maybe you and your wife should talk more about it, you two would know each other better than I would!" If he asks for practical pointers, like how to buy a kilt or something like that, go ahead and discuss what you've bought and how you wear it... that way you're merely talking about your own preferences and not (as his wife might think) lambasting him for acquiescing to his wife's wishes for the time being or goading him to do something he may not be ready for on all fronts...

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