30th March 06, 01:49 PM
30th March 06, 01:55 PM
 Originally Posted by bubba
That comes from the Walt Disney view of nature, Bambi and Thumper sitting in the forest having tea and conversing. They have no clue of the way nature really works.
That animal may look real cute, but it'd bite off your head and take the placard with it as soon as look at you. Nature's rough and plays for keeps.
An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
(When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)
Kiltio Ergo Sum.
I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef
30th March 06, 01:58 PM
 Originally Posted by Iolaus
There is no way to really talk about this without getting into the politics of the environmentalist issue. Remember Billy Connolly talking about the "Bambi-ists" complaining about his sporran?
Iolaus, some of the circles I move in would consider the very mention of Billy C. to be a political statement, all by itself.
30th March 06, 02:30 PM
 Originally Posted by Iolaus
There's waaay more to the environmentalist issue than just "animal rights." Do some serious investigating into the core leadership of some of these groups, and follow the money trails; you may be suprised. 
With the sad state of affiars these days, I woudnt be surprised in the least...
ITS A KILT, G** D*** IT!
“I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."
30th March 06, 02:40 PM
If it's raised to be eaten or shorn or skinned I have no problem with it. As I always say: if they didn't make coats out of minks they'd be extinct by now because they are basically vermin...instead, they farm them and charge beaucoup bucks for the pelts. I don't hunt. I do fish. I eat what I catch only once in a very rare while...I catch and release just about everything. I believe in good land and wildlife management and that sometimes means that you have to cull a herd or cut down some trees...I do believe that in these cases, however, we should be very conservative and err on the side of caution but sometimes Bambi is just going to have to get shot and that's that. I have no desire to have a sporran made out of anything that isn't raised specifically to provide skins...that's a personal perspective. Hell, they eat dogs in some other countries but here they're pets...well, for some people they're livestock but that's another discussion.
30th March 06, 07:45 PM
In hindsight, I should have whacked the little bugger the other day. Coulda gotten rich off making seal sporrans for you guys. The stuff tastes fine, but really stinks up the house.
30th March 06, 08:35 PM
The people we are concerned about here, PETA, and the like are always going to find something to get upset about. Of course wearing seal skin, fur, leather, and any other animal hide will draw their attention, whether it be a sporran or a pair of shoes. The thing is, these type of cruisaders are always unhappy about something, so why bother trying to please them. You lay a golden egg, and they'll complain it dented the floor when it fell out you _ _ _.
Anyway, wearing a kilt gets you noticed, so if your around them, and your wearing anything they could attack, they probably will.
As a rule; for every pint of red paint splashed on you, withdraw double the amount of blood from them. Or, just make them cry.
30th March 06, 08:52 PM
 Originally Posted by Al G. Sporrano
Very interesting thread, Colin! I hope it stays civil and is allowed to continue.
As for PETA...doesn't that stand for People Eating Tasty Animals? :rolleyes:
Wonderful, I've got a meeting tommorow with one of our suppliers,he's got a PETA sticker on his truck and is a member. It's going to be tough keeping a straight face with PETA- People Eating Tasty Animals in your head. I've been staring at blueprints all day and needed a good laugh. Thanks.
30th March 06, 11:04 PM
 Originally Posted by flairball
The people we are concerned about here, PETA, and the like are always going to find something to get upset about. Of course wearing seal skin, fur, leather, and any other animal hide will draw their attention, whether it be a sporran or a pair of shoes. The thing is, these type of cruisaders are always unhappy about something, so why bother trying to please them. You lay a golden egg, and they'll complain it dented the floor when it fell out you _ _ _.
Anyway, wearing a kilt gets you noticed, so if your around them, and your wearing anything they could attack, they probably will.
As a rule; for every pint of red paint splashed on you, withdraw double the amount of blood from them. Or, just make them cry.
I wonder how much the PETA nut cases would complain if they discovered that we started making sporrans from the skins of PETA members? I am not joking when I say that I wouldn't mind being the first kilted man to skin one and turn it's hide into a sporran. Chances are that they wouldn't care about one of their own being skinned as they are about an animal being skinned.
30th March 06, 11:49 PM
I remember once in graduate school up at Harvard I went out to dinner with an acquaintance. We had recently met and were trying to become better friends because of shared interests. It was a frigidly cold winter's evening and we both arrived at the restaurant. I was wearing a wool overcoat and a heavy (and oh so warm) Russian mink hat (purchased in Leningrad when it was still Leningrad) and I was quite warm, while it took him a little while to stop shivering. Anyway, I ordered my normal meat laden entree and he ordered a vegetarian plate. He then spent much of the night lecturing me about how "animals have rights too" and that I should be ashamed of myself for eating dead animals and wearing fur. I let him talk and talk and talk for a while. Then I calmly asked him to hold up his jacket, which he did and it was a very nice leather bomber jacket. Then I asked to see his shoes, which were actually leather biker boots. Since the check had arrived I asked him to also take out his wallet. It was leather as well. I then asked him why it was so shameful for me to have eaten a steak and to have worn a fur hat, when he was wearing half a cow. We stayed friends but he never lectured me on animal rights again.
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