31st March 06, 07:10 PM
 Originally Posted by Colin
won't happen, that is why cremation is king in my book. If it was good enough for the Vikings, and Darth Vader, it is good enough for me.
I will then become part of the compost pile.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
31st March 06, 07:19 PM
that is fantastic!
31st March 06, 07:30 PM
Sherry, that signs great! Here's a shirt to wear while looking at it.
1st April 06, 05:59 PM
Are Seals becoming endanger because of the hunt?
1st April 06, 06:15 PM
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Frequently Asked Questions About Canada's Seal Hunt
1. What are the current seal populations?
Harp Seals:
There are three harp seal populations in the north Atlantic, of which the stock off Canada and western Greenland is the largest. The Northwest harp seal population is healthy and abundant and, since 1970, has nearly tripled in size. Based on a 2004 survey, the estimated total population size is now 5.82 million animals.
Hooded Seals:
Hooded seals are the second most commercially important species in Atlantic Canada. There are two whelping areas for hooded seals in Atlantic Canada: one in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the other off Newfoundland and Labrador. The Gulf of St. Lawrence component is small (approximately 10,000 animals) and hunting of this herd is prohibited. Based on the last surveys conducted in 1990-1991, total abundance of hooded seals was estimated to be approximately 470,000 animals. A new survey was conducted in 2005 and results are expected later in 2006.
Grey seals:
There are two grey seal herds, with the main breeding concentrations being in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and on Sable Island, NS. The grey seal herd was surveyed in April 2004 which estimated the population to be about 250,000 animals.
2. Which species of seals are hunted?
Six species of seals - the harp, hooded, grey, ringed, bearded and harbour - are found off the Atlantic coast of Canada, although ringed and bearded seals are typically Arctic species. Of the six species, harp and hooded seals account for almost all the seals hunted commercially. A number of grey seals are also taken for commercial uses under licences issued for that purpose.
3rd April 06, 08:30 AM
A big Boo to Pamela Andersen for the comments at the Junos, and for not knowing any Canadian artists other than Bryan Adams. By the way, she was the host.
3rd April 06, 11:04 AM
(I'll do this one in English- in the hope I will not be misunderstood)
one of the reasons I live in Scotland is because it is so 'liberal'.... the vast majority of people in Scotland are on the 'liberal' side of issues... and there are, in fact, several 'full-blown' socialists in my circle of friends and family...
please do not bad mouth 'liberals' in blanket statements as was done above.... the world would be a horrible place if there were no people with liberal views...
as for animals rights- I am completely for it.... animals should not be treated cruelly or put through unnecessary pain just because they are 'lesser' creatures... I only eat meat from sources that I know... and I know that the animals are treated humanely while alive and slaughtered humanely... I personally do not hunt, but I have done, and I fully understand the need for wildlife management and culling....and I think people who hunt just for trophies do not respect the wildlife they kill...
I was also in Scotland during the 'foot and mouth' disease... and the mass culling of thousands and thousands of animals... there were huge piles of burning carcasses in the fields for months... it made me (and a lot of people) sick and depressed... I cannot describe what it was like.... they were killed humanely and put out of their horrible misery- but that didn't change the sick feeling you get from smelling burning fur and meat 24 hours a day for months...
I own several seal sporrans and wear then proudly... I do not know if the seals were killed humanly or beaten to death with a club... but I know if I had a choice I would buy the one that did not suffer for hours (or even minutes) ... I also prefer to buy clothing from sources that do not use sweat shops... (I don't think people should suffer for my clothing either...)
for me it comes down to knowledge and choice... if I know where it came from and how it was made- I can make the 'ethical' or 'liberal' choice and not give my money to support the ill treatment of animals- or humans....
I will go back to being Scottish now... :rolleyes: ...slainte
3rd April 06, 11:10 AM
I do not know if the seals were killed humanly or beaten to death with a club...
90% of all seals taken in Canada are via a bullet. This year, due to very thin ice, close to 100% will be shot. As for being clubbed, normally one thump does it. If more than one thump is required, the animal is already "out" from the first. Very humane.
3rd April 06, 11:15 AM
If you were referring to my statement about Pamela Andersen, I should point out that I am actually a die hard Liberal in my manner of thinking. The right wing conservatives and I don't get along, but I have left that at the door of this forum.
I am not condonning the mistreatment or abuse of any animal. This thread was supposed to be more about the lack of education of the extremists for animal rights. You know, the people that believe their opinion should be everyone's opinion.
Obviously I too would prefer the sporran with the seal that died naturally, but I don't ask. I am also tired of media coverage of washed out celebs denouncing something they are uneducated about. I don't pretend to know what I am talking about on this subject, but figured someone here may.
Last edited by Colin; 3rd April 06 at 11:25 AM.
3rd April 06, 11:48 AM
wasnae respondin tae you...
I dinnae give a toss aboot Pammy Anderson... (Scottish as she may be...)
I wuz responding tae the comments aboot "liberals" a few pages back ...
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