10th April 06, 08:13 AM
 Originally Posted by cloves
oh god I wish I had a body like this....*sigh*
had to do a bit of cutting and pasting to get a kilt to fit on the female figure...but I think it's alright. Here's hoping Hamish thinks my leathers match enough.

Looks good to me, Cloves, and the leathers do match very well indeed. However, I think a Superhero (even a female one!!!!) would not allow her buckle to become encrusted with verdigris!
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
10th April 06, 10:20 AM
hey Hamish, verdigris is my favourite colour! But then again it's one of my least favourite oxidations...
Thanks Iolaus for the instructions how to post the images. I used a similar process:
When you've got your finished page hit the Alt & Print Screen at the same time. This is essentially a Copy of the page. Then go to your favourite image working program. I used photoshop but there's InfranView or adobe Image something... don't recall. then i just cropped the finished image, uploaded onto a free image hosting site (as Iolaus said I've used www.photobucket.com). You can then Ctrl/C the [IMG] line beneath or near the uploaded image. If you cant do that you can either left click on the image to bring it up on it's own page and Ctrl/C the web address at the top of your page and place it on your message bracketet by [IMG] and [/IMG] which is either typed by yourself of put there by the little yellow and black mountain landscape square in the "reply to thread" page. Alternatively you can right click and select the"view image" option.you can do this with most images on any web page you choose, anywhere.This will then bring the image onto it's own page and then you can follow the steps from Ctrl/c and so on, as above.
BTW glad you folks enjoy this time sucking ego boosting fantasy land. Any more?
Cheers, Erin.
10th April 06, 12:06 PM
A copper buckle of old would also turn that color green, with age...
although it looks more to me like someone overdosed on radiation when making those buckles.
10th April 06, 05:02 PM
better verdigris than rust though right? hehe.
Maybe KT is right...the buckle has been irraditated....it's prolly the source of my super power!
anybody else gonna make one?
11th April 06, 03:49 AM
Here's mine, guys,.... as I'd wish to look! :mrgreen:
[IMG] [/IMG]
Last edited by Valencian Kilted; 11th April 06 at 05:05 AM.
Reason: re-sizing image
11th April 06, 07:55 AM
 Originally Posted by Valencian Kilted
Here's mine, guys,.... as I'd wish to look! :mrgreen:
[IMG]  [/IMG]
Great look, although something about fire under a kilt scares me...
11th April 06, 07:58 AM
...looool... well,... maybe it's related with the love that spaniards feel for garlics on many foods! :mrgreen:
But it's simply that I wanted to include the colurs of the valencian flag (The "Senyera"):
[IMG] [/IMG]
Last edited by Valencian Kilted; 11th April 06 at 10:58 AM.
Reason: X-planations!
12th April 06, 12:02 AM
By the way.... somebody can tell me how I'd be able to cut in image from down left corner to upper right?
It's just that I was thinking of linking my flag with my avatar, keeping on the left upper side the crowned blue and the red and yellow stripes, and down of the diagonal division my tartan, turning it to show as well the red and yellow.... but it seems impossible to me to cut both files in such a triangle shape, before linking them!
...and.. hehehe sorry for the OT question... ;)
12th April 06, 08:47 AM
 Originally Posted by Valencian Kilted
Here's mine, guys,.... as I'd wish to look! :mrgreen:
[IMG]  [/IMG]
Allright!Muy bien Tono. perdonar mi español!great hero!
12th April 06, 09:08 AM
 Originally Posted by ozmeath
Allright!Muy bien Tono. perdonar mi español!great hero!
...nah, tu español está muy bien!
I'm glad to hear some of you sometimes in my language over here!!!!:mrgreen:
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