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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt
    No clue on SWK since they don't offer my kilt length. That would be an important consideration - does the length they offer actually fit your body.

    Someday, someone is going to post something about Stillwater, and Ron is going to forget to complain about their length. It's GOT to happen, eventually.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  2. #12
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    Blu, no offense intended or taken. We all have different experiences and approaches. For me, I wanted to ease into the kilt wearing/buying experience. I found it much easier to justify spending $100 for a SWK than $500 for a tank, especially when I was not sure I would wear it more than once. Then once I had one and wore it, I wanted one for every day, so stayed on the cheap side so I could afford as many as I wanted (not quite, but close). I am now waiting on my Xmarks fabric and my first true trad kilt. I assume that I will become a convert to them as so many others have. I know that my tastes have changed, and matured, since my first kilt which was a SK. I know wear my tartans, UK's, and PK's more than my other kilts, and my SK's not at all. Need to sell them, might make enough to buy a 2006 SWK HW.

    I also look forward to the Bristol renaissance Faire opeing after Independence day as they have a traditional kilt maker located there for the season and I might just have to get one from them.
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  3. #13
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    Talking I like mine!

    I have 2 06' Stillwater standards, and a 06'Weathered Lamont wool heavyweight, (although I'd guess the cloth is closer to a medium 13oz weight wool) I'm real happy with all of them. Thanks to the qualities if the wool, the Lamont hangs and swishes better, and is more resistant to creasing than the standards, which are a 11oz or so poly material. I know they are not anything like a $500 tank, but as has been said, for $150 they are hard to beat, and are a great "training kilt" for the potental 8yrd tank buyer. I'm planning on ordering a Saffron pretty soon, I just wish Jerry had a few more tartan choices!
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    Actually, I wear my first $600.00 16oz heayweight everywhere including hiking trails. It has stood up extremely well. Mind you, I don't roll in the dirt or fix the car in it. The fact is, there is NO substitute for a good quality traditional kilt. It is not my intent to sound arrogant... I merely state the facts as I know them. And the fact is, there is a noticeable difference in the way they look and fit and there is a reason why they cost what they do. There are a few on the board that understand what I'm talking about. My point is... it's a choice. I stand behind my other post.

    And I stand wi' you, Blu, on this one as well -- traditional kilts are versitle enough to be worn for Burns Nights, Tartan Balls, etc., as well casually at the games, and other outdoor activities save only the most strenuous.

    Another option might be to look at our own Matt Newsome's box-pleated kilt for a starter kilt:


    A very historical way to get started into kilting, and like a 8-yd. traditional, Matt's kilts are versitle as well!



  5. #15
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    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    I have a SWK Heavy weight Black Watch and I Love it I tried on a handmade kilt at the shop in Salt Lake and the scot blood got the better of me and like I said I love the $150 SWK BW that I got from Jerry and the length is just right for me. Besides if it is to long you can allways have it taken up or do it your self ( Took me almost 2 hours to hem 7.y yds while watching X Files marathon. there are some on the forum who need longer Then you have the option of going to a kilt maker or doing it your self.

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  6. #16
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    I have a 2006 heavyweight in the shadow tartan. Although I haven't worn it a lot as of yet, i love it.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
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  7. #17
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    2006 Heavyweight in Saffron looks good!

    So If I understand correctly this kilt is 100% wool, 7-8 yds, and about a 13oz weight.

    I was told a 42" waist weathered Lamont had 30 pleats with a 4 inch depth. So maybe a 36" would have at least 24 pleats with hopefully the same depth. At 6'1" a 24" length should fit fine. AND my little sweetie likes it even after I said I would need another more expensive kilt in the Ferguson tartan later (more questions about that in another post). Ain't it great not to have to secretly buy another and then ask forgiveness. I get the kilt and still get lucky!

    Soooo... at $145+shipping what's the downside other than it takes money away from getting the "tank" sooner? Oh yes, what about a Buzz Kidder sporran? Black or Brown?


  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottish Chi
    Oh yes, what about a Buzz Kidder sporran? Black or Brown?

    That tartan has a lot of brown in it. I'd recommend a brown belt and sporran, especially for day wear.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  9. #19
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    Scottish Chi,

    I just ordered a Black Shadow Tartan kilt and a hunting McCleod standard, plus a new sporran from Stillwater Kilts. I've heard of Jerry Stillwater's almost superhuman speed in getting his products to his customers so hopefully I can can give you a review before too long.

    I'll just wait

    be patient

    stay cool

    be calm

    just chill


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  10. #20
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    I think SWK aslo carries the Buzz Kidder sporran.

    Good suggestion Bob C. I kind of like the ribbed sporran with the pewter medallion in brown. Should look good with Saffron and I have a brown belt already.

    Panache, I'll be looking forward to your review of the Black Shadow Tartan. It should be the same fabric and construction as the Saffron since it's a Shadow Tartan as well. Jeeez, now I'm thinking of two. I have to get a grip!

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