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Thread: Oops

  1. #11
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    I actually don't have traditional phone service. I have a home line, local only, just to get DSL service and I use VOIP for all my home phone needs. In our last home, we had cable Internet service, and just had a single, local only line for receiving faxes, and for 911 service. For anybody that is not aware, 911 can not determine a cell phone's location yet, and the same is true of VOIP phone service, although they will provide 911 with the registered home location of the phone adapter.

    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerMc
    I wish I could do that, but I seem to live in a "black hole" No cell phone company has service at my home I've tried several and had others tell me straight out that they didn't have service, including one that advertises that they "have more bars everywhere". I can go about one quarter mile up the road in either direction, or go back in the woods and climb up in my tree stand and get service, but both options are rather unpractical for my only phone.
    i used to have the same problem with one particular service in that the cell phone would work up until i walked in the front door fo my building . on the steps it was fine - but once inside nada - and it wasnt a high rise or anything like that - just a simple row house - after many hours of battling with said service provider i switched to another & get great service on trh cell

    But i do keep a land line - a VOIP one - just for old times sake... rarely use it as all my friends know to call me on the cell but gotta have a number to give the powers that be on ocasion.

    as for "the wrong building" story I did that when in college but was only on the wrong floor - luckily noone came out to kick my *** for tryingt o get into thier apartment
    ITS A KILT, G** D*** IT!
    “I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by UmAnOnion
    as for "the wrong building" story I did that when in college but was only on the wrong floor - luckily noone came out to kick my *** for tryingt o get into thier apartment
    The worst I ever did was really late one night (okay really early the next morning). I was driving home, and I admit I was probably too sleepy to be driving. When I got into the neighborhood, I turned one street too early. It took me a few minutes before I realized why I couldn't find my house.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    The worst I've done was at a Bush Gardens theme park. I managed to exit the park at the wrong entrance. Now you'd think I'm going to say I couldn't find my car, but it was worse. In an area approximating the one where I parked my pickup truk was one that was nearly its twin. I was standing there trying to figure out why my key didn't work any more when the owner came up and asked why I was trying to break into his truck. At first I said it was my truck, but then I looked at the licence plates (out of state). I apologized and told him that mine was exactly like it. I don't think he really believed me. After another 10 minutes of wandering, I realized I was in the wrong lot. I caught a shuttle bus to the right one, located my truck, and my key fit.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerMc
    The worst I've done was at a Bush Gardens theme park. I managed to exit the park at the wrong entrance. Now you'd think I'm going to say I couldn't find my car, but it was worse. In an area approximating the one where I parked my pickup truk was one that was nearly its twin. I was standing there trying to figure out why my key didn't work any more when the owner came up and asked why I was trying to break into his truck. At first I said it was my truck, but then I looked at the licence plates (out of state). I apologized and told him that mine was exactly like it. I don't think he really believed me. After another 10 minutes of wandering, I realized I was in the wrong lot. I caught a shuttle bus to the right one, located my truck, and my key fit.
    did the same thing with a friends big white jeep last weekend - at least i have the excuse of it not being my car and not remembering the licence plate #. i was minding it for her while she was in hospital and had parked it in haste rushing to meet up with friends for dinner (which i missed as i had been stuck in traffic for longer than expected) and dropped it & raced off. Came back to the same general area a few hours later - went to the big white jeep that i thought was the one only to have the key not work ... several minuutes of cursing later i realized it was the wrtong one & headed another block dfown the street to find 'Jake" (she named it - not me!) sitting there laughing at me.

    Similar parking lot snafu story... went on a weekend trip somewhere - dropped car (mine this time - no name) in long term parking - jhopped ion the shuttle bus and was off & running. Came back late one eve, had shuttle drop me off at correct parking lot & correct area (I had the good sense to worite down what area i was in - had forgotten to do so in the past & spent a fair amount of time bouncing from area to area trying to figure out where my car was). got off bus had no clue as to where the car might be so clicked on the alarm and waved it around a bit. alarm goes off - I head to car & get in and just as i am about to drive off the cops show up - hands on guns giving me the evil eye... someone had heard the alarm & seeing a person such as myself getting into reasonably new car had a few questions to ask. luckily had license registration & all other paperwork to show that the car was indeed mine (well the leasing company's) and they let me go on my merry way after a few minutes
    ITS A KILT, G** D*** IT!
    “I asked Mom if I was a gifted child… she said they certainly wouldn’t have paid for me."

  6. #16
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    My wife's T-bird's defrost doesn't work, so I let her drive my Chevy S-10 during the winter while I use the Bronco. One day I took the T-bird out to get it smogged and then stopped to visit her at work, parking on the far side of the S-10. You can probably guess what happened next. When I came out, I was thinking about something else, walked up to the S-10, and started digging for the right set of keys. The first thought was that I must have left them in her classroom, so I started back toward the school. I was halfway back to the gate before I remembered I hadn't driven that car! It's a good thing I didn't have my Chevy keys on me that day!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JerMc
    The worst I've done was at a Bush Gardens theme park. I managed to exit the park at the wrong entrance. Now you'd think I'm going to say I couldn't find my car, but it was worse. In an area approximating the one where I parked my pickup truk was one that was nearly its twin. I was standing there trying to figure out why my key didn't work any more when the owner came up and asked why I was trying to break into his truck. At first I said it was my truck, but then I looked at the licence plates (out of state). I apologized and told him that mine was exactly like it. I don't think he really believed me. After another 10 minutes of wandering, I realized I was in the wrong lot. I caught a shuttle bus to the right one, located my truck, and my key fit.
    I got one similar to that, from the other side of the fence. I was at the store. Small town, smaller parking lot, and I was getting into MY truck when this lady, and I use that term loosely, started yelling very loudly about why I was trying to steal HER truck, and for someone to call the cops, and I dont know what else. I didnt get a chance to say anything, cuz she turned about three shades of red when she realized that her truck was about two spots over. She apologized quietly, jumped in her truck and drove off. My dad was already in the truck laughing his a$$ off, and I then climbed in and joined him.Had to sit there for a while till composure came back to drive home.

    Kinda insulting that she only said sorry as a whisper, when she yelled loud enough you could hear three counties over. but I was to busy laughing to care.
    Last edited by Angus; 21st April 06 at 08:57 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Well I don't feel that bad anymore

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