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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Panache
    When I saw the "Hunting McCleod" standard I thought "Well why not". I felt I could justify the tartan as a way of honoring my beloved wife. You know that Rocky recently posted that PVC nowdays was very different from the leisure suits of yore, and he was right!
    I don't want to be rude, but this statement needs to be corrected to prevent confusion. Rocky stated that PV (poly-viscose) nowdays was very different from the leisure suits of yore, not PVC. PVC is very different from PV. Also, Stillwater standard kilts are made of Acrylic, which is not the same as PV.

    Otherwise, your review was very informative. Thank you, Panache.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by billmcc
    I don't want to be rude, but this statement needs to be corrected to prevent confusion. Rocky stated that PV (poly-viscose) nowdays was very different from the leisure suits of yore, not PVC. PVC is very different from PV. Also, Stillwater standard kilts are made of Acrylic, which is not the same as PV.

    OOPS! No offense taken. Thanks for setting the record straight billmcc
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  3. #33
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    Well, the information and the great reviews put me over the top. Enough waiting. I placed my order for the Saffron heavyweight SWK. At the same time I also ordered a Buzz Kidder Ribbed Sporran in brown. Almost immediately received an email confirming the purchase. Then 30 minutes later another email letting me know the order was processed and will soon be boxed and shipped. That was Friday so I should see everything in another couple of days. That's fast! I'm impressed.

    Once it's in I'll attempt a review. This was to be for our camping trip this summer to Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. If it passes with high enough marks and it is still available I may have to get the Black heavyweight as well. My wife has again said I should start wearing them more often. Nice to have the encouragement so I won't have to justify the handmade 16oz 8yd tank I am planning on in the future. Still have to learn more and see a few of those before making that jump.

    Cheers! Bill

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    I think we should remember that the Scots are frugal people not cheap people. Frugal meaning buy one quality product that will last a life time and never need replacing. We, in North America, have been walmart-ized into the thought process of buy more of the cheaper version and just replace it with a new one in a year or two when the old one wears out. Quality over quanity is frugal not cheap.
    So I allready had the SWK BW and I tried on the Handmade Kilt from Scotland and the only diference I could tell was (and it might be just my body type)slightly lighter weight. They also had some summer weight kilts and the SWK was a little heaver. :confused:
    So for my purpose (not a hard core TRADITIONALIST or Piper.) I don't see the need to spend that much money on something that has the Quality I have in the Stillwater Kilt Heavyweight Black Watch Kilt. I also think that the Quality is a Life time thing, OK I am 59, now if I were 30 something. I use to wear Customed wool suits and I know Ouality in apparel.
    If I wanted inexpensive I would go with the economy version which I have to Kick about in. I was only posting a review, like Ron saying they are too long for Him. :rolleyes:

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  5. #35
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    Scottish Chi,

    I'll be interested in your review of the Saffron Heavyweight.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

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