I wore my Old Lang Syne (Grey) Kilt and Argyll jacket to Church this morning and afterwards I was shopping in the PX here in Vilseck, Germany. A lady stops me and asks if there is something special going on here today because of the kilt. I say no, I just like to wear it sometimes on Sundays. (I just got it while on leave back in the US a couple of weeks ago).
Turns out she is a reporter for the Bavarian News, our local military community newspaper. She has a camera in her purse and takes my picture, along with taking the basic information. She thinks it will be in the paper in a couple of weeks.
It's not like 15 minutes of fame, because the circulation here is pretty small, but it may help raise awareness of kilts in the area. I know of possibly 2 others that have kilts, but I haven't seen them wearing them yet.
If the article comes out, I'll post it.