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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Paul
    I told my wife that I was thinking of shaving it off, and she said she would kill me!!!!
    I used to shave mine off in the summer, but since I met my now fiancee she's threatened to leave me if I shave it off again.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassMan
    I wish I could grow a beard. I've had a moustache for a little over a year now and I'm very pleased with it. But for some reason I have two bald spots on my cheeks & jaws (one on each side) and they aren't in the same location on each side. So when I try to grow a beard it looks lopsided and like someone randomly shaved off portions. *sigh*
    That's why I have a goatee instead of a full beard. Grows great on my chin, but I can manage just a few scraggly hairs on my cheeks.

  3. #33
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    I hate shaving, but when the grass starts to grow I hate that also, so it's on and off....criminal unshaved look and clean shaved :rolleyes:

    My wife likes (read: drools) unshaved men...as long as it's not her hubby (read:me)

    Women.... :confused:

  4. #34
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    I've had a moustache for about 30 years but its been ages since I had a full beard... to be honest I'm half afraid to grow it out again... It will proably look more like an old dog's muzzle instead of the fire red it was in my younger days.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red
    Personally, I can do without facial hair. I have a few spots in the beard zone where the hair is spare, I find keeping facial hair trimmed is a pain & having hair on my upper lip drives me nuts (& belief me, that's a short drive), but I grow hair on my chinny chin-chin for one primary reason - to help avoid confusion.

    Being 5' 8" tall, wearing kilts all the time & having very long, wavy/curly red hair (in the best Braveheart "tradition"), well, having some facial hair helps gives other people a clear & easily identifiable visual cue that I'm a man.

    This is particularly helpful when using public restrooms. Though, I gotta admit, it's pretty amusing seeing the reaction from some guys when they first come into the restroom & catch just a glimpse of my kilt & long hair! It's hilarious! Some say "sorry" & make a quick exit only to cautiously re-enter a moment later; some double-check the sign on the door, then look back at me. I enjoy messin' with peoples heads (& preconceptions)!
    RR, that hilarious! I had a similar experience in the restroom of a restaurant recently. I had gone in and done my thing and was washing up at the sinks, which faced the door coming in, and I heard somebody come in, then stop with the door open for a moment. The next thing I heard was, "Whew, thought I was in the wrong place". I guess he thought he had run across a 6' 3" 225lb. lady in a skirt with a buzz cut who could not read! I just laughed and walked out.
    The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long

  6. #36
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red
    Personally, I can do without facial hair. I have a few spots in the beard zone where the hair is spare, I find keeping facial hair trimmed is a pain & having hair on my upper lip drives me nuts (& belief me, that's a short drive), but I grow hair on my chinny chin-chin for one primary reason - to help avoid confusion.

    Being 5' 8" tall, wearing kilts all the time & having very long, wavy/curly red hair (in the best Braveheart "tradition"), well, having some facial hair helps gives other people a clear & easily identifiable visual cue that I'm a man.

    This is particularly helpful when using public restrooms. Though, I gotta admit, it's pretty amusing seeing the reaction from some guys when they first come into the restroom & catch just a glimpse of my kilt & long hair! It's hilarious! Some say "sorry" & make a quick exit only to cautiously re-enter a moment later; some double-check the sign on the door, then look back at me. I enjoy messin' with peoples heads (& preconceptions)!
    I don't have a beard, but I've had those types of encounters in the Mens Room.


  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Paul
    I told my wife that I was thinking of shaving it off, and she said she would kill me!!!!
    Not only are we kilted... we're Brothers of the Brush !! My wife not only told me not to shave my beard off she actually wanted me to grow it longer and fuller. Go figure

  8. #38
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    At least most of you have a choice. I have gone without shaving for weeks out in the field and can only seem to grow a layer of peach fuzz. What's really funnny is that if I don't shave everyday my wife won't kiss me even though there isn't really anything there. Whatever.

  9. #39
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    I've had a moustache since I was 15 or 16 years old, a beard most of that time too, I've been graying and losing my hair in typical male pattern baldness since my late 20's ( I got married at 28, Hmmmm...) so in my mid 30's I found myself; a: doing a comb-over, (actually a comb-back :rolleyes: ) with a load of hairspray etc..and b; using a comb in hair color ! For a guy who hates lace up shoes because "they take too long" I spent half an hour every damn morning fiddling with my hair!
    So I was sitting in the barber chair one day about 8 years ago, looking through my 'comb-back' while the guy cut the rest of my hair and I just said "Stop and cut all this s#*t off!" I left there with only a goatee and moustache. never to return!

    Now at 43 I the only thing I shave is my head!
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
    Yikes! Well, while I don't plan on entering any competitions, I do plan on keeping the beard and 'stache.

    Tex Rex, March 2006

    Rex, the Kilted Cowboy

    That is one great moustache and beard!

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