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  1. #1
    Join Date
    6th November 05
    The Hague, The Netherlands
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    Smile Oh! Jonesing time again!

    1. Steve Ashton send my 5 metres XMarks fabric to Barb.
    I'm soooooo excited! An 8 yards traditional made by Barb

    2. Ordered a cheap "knock around" Black Watch, pleated to the stripe.
    The same as several others have also...I'll replace the straps.
    Nice to have a cheap "pub kilt".

    Not yet ordered, but I know myself

    3. A traditional 8 yards 16oz Highland Granite (Lochcarron) made by Barb.
    I love this tartan!

    4. A traditional 8 yards 13oz MacLaren Modern from The House of Edgar.

    5. Tartan hose to match the MacLaren kilt.

    6. Now I must wait for the right moment to tell my wife

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Phoenix Metro Area, AZ, US
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin
    1. Steve Ashton send my 5 metres XMarks fabric to Barb.
    I'm soooooo excited! An 8 yards traditional made by Barb
    I missed something, somewhere - how does one make an 8 yard kilt out of 5.4680665 yards of material?

    Is the cloth double-width, and there will be a seam somewhere in the kilt?

  3. #3
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    A long time ago in a kilt far, far away
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caradoc
    I missed something, somewhere - how does one make an 8 yard kilt out of 5.4680665 yards of material?

    Is the cloth double-width, and there will be a seam somewhere in the kilt?

    Very simple. I'll explain.

    using a one-yard measuring stick.

    1. lay out tartan.
    2. Pour a dram o' scotch.
    3. measure one yard of fabric
    4. drink scotch

    repeat steps 2,3,4 until you have reached end of fabric.

    the difference is found when the bottle of scotch is accidentally left behind. The person needs to go back and get it. More often than not they will take the measuring stick with them. This means they need to find a spot to start measuring from again, which usually is right where they are.

    very common problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Hague, The Netherlands
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    Is the cloth double-width, and there will be a seam somewhere in the kilt?
    (I don't know anything about kiltmaking, so someone correct me if I'm wrong)

    Yes...I have another double width kilt...the seam is invisible, located "inside" a pleat (in the middle).

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Phoenix Metro Area, AZ, US
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin
    Yes...I have another double width kilt...the seam is invisible, located "inside" a pleat (in the middle).
    OK. For a bit I was very confused.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Manteca, California
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin
    (I don't know anything about kiltmaking, so someone correct me if I'm wrong)

    Yes...I have another double width kilt...the seam is invisible, located "inside" a pleat (in the middle).
    He nailed it.

    Tartan comes in either single width (you'd need 8 yards) or double width (you need only 4 yards.) The double width is ripped into single width strips and a "join" is made inside a pleat.
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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