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Thread: Hats and Kilts

  1. #41
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    I have my tan beret ( I had it before the Rangers) and a tweed flat cap I wear regularly and I plan on adding a Balmoral to the mix, but I'd remove the toorie and, maybe to be contrary, add a white cockade.

  2. #42
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    I'm with Alan and Davedove and the others... Flat Cap / Scally Cap / Driving Cap.

    arrogcow... I finally met (and ordered a few flat caps for the shop) with Hannah Hats this past week at the Irish Trade show in NJ. I remember him saying that people call the "Irish Fishing" caps several things. If you're Greek, they're Greek Fishing Caps. Other parts call them Skipper Caps. Others call them Irish Fisher caps... Good luck with your search!

  3. #43
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    I wear a white Tilly hat in summer, berets of my own making in the cooler, duller months and a bush hat in between.

    I am making a felted wool copy of the Tilly hat as I am moving away from colours which will go with the khaki bush hat, and climate change seems to give us more clear cold days than ten years ago.

  4. #44
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    kilt bonnets

    I've always been a hat person. My favourite is a genuine Texas made cowboy hat (I wont say 'stetson' because that's a brand name isn't it ? ) that I bought from a western wear shop in The Mall of America a couple of years ago. When I'm wearing my kilts I have a red and white diced glengarry which I wear with an Inverness cape for 'full dress' occasions or a black balmoral (with a black 'toorie' or pom-pom which to me looks better than the traditional red one). When I'm really casually dressed I like a military look and have an ex army tam o shanter with a Mackenzie side flash (I don't know if it's Seaforth Highlanders or Royal Highland Light Infantry as they both used to wear the Mackenzie tartan). I wear this one with my Mackenzie tartan 5 yard kilt with a khaki 'pilot' shirt (I feel I'm too old for those Jacobite shirts) and stone coloured kilt hose. I've just ordered myself a new kilt in modern MacDonald of The Isles and the army tam o shanter will go really well with that too. I also have a woollen baseball cap in modern Buchanan made by Lochcarron.
    Last edited by freddie; 1st May 06 at 01:51 PM.
    The Kilt is my delight !

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Flat cap for me totally. I love those things, although I do want to get one of those "historically accurate" balmorals from the other thread at some point.

  6. #46
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
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    I usually wear a cheap flathat from H & M; other than that I wear my now considerably worse for wear regimental rifle green beret (onto which one of my daughters sewed an incongruous blue bobble from her prep school hat), or one of three balmorals - a sandy tan one (nearly had it), a sage green one (self coloured bobble [or tourie]) - getting a bit tired, or a dark navy one (scarlet bobble). I used to wear a panama in the summer, but gave that up when I realised that kilted in a panama makes one look like Hamish's prune.

  7. #47
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    This post has got me to thinking. I've always been a hat/cap guy, although the frequency with which I wear them has diminished since I'm an office guy now. I've still got a good number of hats and caps kicking around, though I've never worn one with a kilt.

    Since I've been on this board, I've come to understand the importance of accessorizing. My oldest kilt is a Bear Maple Leaf. Would it be inappropriate to accessorize that with my custom Canada wrestling mask?

  8. #48
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    Reading about what hat to wear gets one to thinking.(Which my better half would say I don't do too often).I've not been one to wear a hat, but as of late my poor thin scalp has been gettin too much sun. I'm fair skinned and I don't want to chance skin cancer. I look horrid in hats, but my health is worth it. Now the question, I've read about all the hats you wear, but I don't know what they look like. is there a site that might have pics of the types you've been talking about?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by oregonscot
    Reading about what hat to wear gets one to thinking.(Which my better half would say I don't do too often).I've not been one to wear a hat, but as of late my poor thin scalp has been gettin too much sun. I'm fair skinned and I don't want to chance skin cancer. I look horrid in hats, but my health is worth it. Now the question, I've read about all the hats you wear, but I don't know what they look like. is there a site that might have pics of the types you've been talking about?
    Here's some of my favorite places to purchase hats:

    Wide selection including pith helmets:


    Dress hats & caps:


    Wear a Tilley T4 for maximum protection:


  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Does my hair count as a hat? It shades my eyes...

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