I graduated from NMU on Saturday, and wanted to post some of my kilted experiances here now that I've got a bit more time.
First thing, before I zipped up my gown and afterwards when I unzipped it (in other words, every time my kilt was visible), I got a LOT of double takes. I also got a lot of compliments from the graduates I knew who I saw there.
After Commencement, Cassie and I went to Red Lobster with my Dad. In the parking lot we were approaching an older couple who were leaving. And in a very distinct Scottish accent, the gentleman asks "Now how does a Scotsman end up in the U.P.?" I told him I wasn't Scottish, but Cassie is of mostly Scottish ancestry. He asked me the tartan, and complimented me on how well I was turned out. He seemed impressed and pleased that someone was here was kilted, and said he forgave the English and Americans for wearing the kiltThat's the second time I've run into a Scot while kilted up here, and both liked it.