14th June 06, 03:07 PM
 Originally Posted by KiltedCodeWarrior
Welcome! Glad you found us, but you shoud have said Hi sooner.
Abbie in fact did say hi sooner. She's been here long enough to have her threads combined and locked down in her valiant attempt to contribute to modern kilt couture.
What KCW must mean then, Abbie, is you should have introduced yourself sooner.
Nevertheless, welcome to the asylum; don't be a stranger, and your products will get a better reception, even if the feedback is still honest.
Regards from Cincinnati, USA
15th June 06, 05:10 AM
thank you all for the welcome messages that you left. I am sure I will participate in this site. seems a nice place.
15th June 06, 05:33 AM
ai recieved ma "Robert The Bruce" t-shirt an Salitire sporran frae Abbieduff (Nenita) the dae...
very fast shipping... an oan casual inspection- guid quality products fae the price!
ta Nenita!
15th June 06, 05:58 AM
language barrier
Ye maybe dinna ken this, jist been looking, didnae ke n whar tae start. Ken whit eh mean. Meh first language is Ilicano. So jist a' they different soonds when eh came tae Scotland were afae complicated. In glesgae the wir' saying things like aye, pie,tie,sky, bit when eh went tae Dundee whar eh met meh man the wir' speaking Dundenese. ken whit eh mean? The were saying eh, peh, teh,and the skeh, eh thocht this wis the Chinese bittie o' Scotland. But eh knuckled doon and learnt anither language. So if yea jist be a wee bit patient, eh'll git it richt in the end,the English that abody here seems tae speak. ehm awa, bit no tae bide awa.
16th June 06, 04:26 AM
 Originally Posted by abbieduff
Ye maybe dinna ken this, jist been looking, didnae ke n whar tae start. Ken whit eh mean. Meh first language is Ilicano. So jist a' they different soonds when eh came tae Scotland were afae complicated. In glesgae the wir' saying things like aye, pie,tie,sky, bit when eh went tae Dundee whar eh met meh man the wir' speaking Dundenese. ken whit eh mean? The were saying eh, peh, teh,and the skeh, eh thocht this wis the Chinese bittie o' Scotland. But eh knuckled doon and learnt anither language. So if yea jist be a wee bit patient, eh'll git it richt in the end,the English that abody here seems tae speak. ehm awa, bit no tae bide awa.
weel said!
guid oan ya!
16th June 06, 05:11 AM
 Originally Posted by abbieduff
Ye maybe dinna ken this, jist been looking, didnae ke n whar tae start. Ken whit eh mean. Meh first language is Ilicano. So jist a' they different soonds when eh came tae Scotland were afae complicated. In glesgae the wir' saying things like aye, pie,tie,sky, bit when eh went tae Dundee whar eh met meh man the wir' speaking Dundenese. ken whit eh mean? The were saying eh, peh, teh,and the skeh, eh thocht this wis the Chinese bittie o' Scotland. But eh knuckled doon and learnt anither language. So if yea jist be a wee bit patient, eh'll git it richt in the end,the English that abody here seems tae speak. ehm awa, bit no tae bide awa.
WOOOHOOO!! this dundeenese version is even more difficult!
Like it! ... maybe soon i'll start posting in Valencià here... maybe out there will be someone who will get it! :mrgreen:
17th June 06, 06:10 AM
Thanks for joining us. If you have P1M on your side, I'm sure that you'll get along with the rest of us.
19th June 06, 08:09 AM
Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay here!
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