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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    First public wearing of the kilt!

    Well, as I've stated before, I first purchased my Henderson Ancient a few weeks ago. And my fiance will not let me wear it until the wedding (two weeks away now btw ) So, I did what anyone would do. I bought ANOTHER kilt... hahaha. I posted a quick picture of myself in it (SWK Nightstalker) a few days ago. Well, I wore it ever so briefly a couple of nights ago to the convenience store.

    I can't wear my kilt to work. Not because my employer is "anti-kilt." Because I'm required, due to obvious safety reasons, to have my legs fully covered. I'm a laboratory technician. Even if I could wear a kilt to work, something tells me the kilt wouldn't look it's best paired with a long lab coat!

    So, today was my first day off since the kilt's arrival. I decided, regardless of my wee bit of nervousness, to wear it all day. So, I paired my SWK Nightstalker with a plain black polo, black crew socks (pushed down,) and an old (though only very slightly used) pair of combat boots. Off I went.

    The day started with a trip to the local news paper to drop off our engagement announcement and picture to run in the Sunday paper. While there, everyone stared, but nobody said a thing. As I left, a man walking out at the same time said "hey that's kinda cool!" I replied with a nod and a "thank you."

    The day proceeded to a quick 30 minute drive with Nikki (my fiance) to the county courthouse to get the marriage license. Amazingly again, nobody said a word. I like that After returning home, I went over to Hobby Lobby in search of some art supplies. A gaggle of little girls smiled and stared. Well, actually everyone stared... . I'm figuring out quickly this is probably about the most that happens.

    The day ended with dinner at Applebee's. The hostess asked where I bought my kilt. I told her I ordered it from a kiltmaker. Simple enough. It seemed every eye in the restaraunt turned as the hostess seated us. One fellow asked what size my ear lobes were stretched to. But, nothing about the kilt. If most days are like this, I'll be more than happy. I was a little uneasy about the thought of constant barrage over my attire. But, I see that my assumptions just weren't accurate. That's definately a good thing.

    Just thought I'd share my first day as a kilted man.

  2. #2
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    Well Done

    To steal a famous line- Good on You!
    I hope that you will find that most of your encounters are much the same. Most of the time a few stares and an ocassional compliment or question. I'd imagine that you would recieve more interest in your tattoos and ear loops than in your kilt. But be ready for an odd / bad remark, they do happen, however as you will see, those are much rarer occasions (I hope). Good luck with your wedding.

  3. #3
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    Thank you much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The first time is the most anxious, you have done that now, the rest is plain sailing

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The anxiety ends after 4 or 5 "succesful" trips in the neighborhood. I get a little jealous of the stories here because a lot of times I feel ignored. People just let it go and it's no big deal. This morning I'll wear my Blackwatch to the Farmer's Market. Maybe I'll get more comments down there as they seem to run on the independent side of individuality.

    Congrats on the upcoming marriage. Somehow this will be my 14th year this summer. Enjoy the day and the years to come.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    While at the Potomac games the other weekend, I stopped by at Walmart, kilted of course, to see if I could find an inexpensive pair of boots to wear at the games on Saturday. It was my first trip to a Walmart while kilted. In a way, it was dissapointing. Nothing at all. I wasn't even aware of people staring.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I think you'll find that most of the time peole won't say a thing, although you will probably notice several people watching. Our own worries are worse than what you will ever experience. Although, yes you will get the occassional idiot who feels he can build himself up by putting you down.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #8
    Chris Webb is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Who says that Worrying doesn't make a difference ... everything I worry about never happens!!

    My first few times out in my kilt were the best times of all. Savor them, the day really does come when so many folks have seen you in a kilt that the reactions really do taper off.

    But the reactions never go away completely, how could they ... you just look too damned good, to damned confident and too damned masculine for folks not to take notice.

    Congrats, Man, and Kilt On!

    Chris Webb

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Well done. As you've discovered, the first time is less of a big deal than you expected, and as you continue to wear the kilt it is no longer an issue as you will begin to feel more comfortable and at ease with yourself and in your own locality people will no longer be surprised to see you kilted.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I'm with KIK and if you are wearing short sleaves I would imagine that most people are looking at your tats and you are most likely use to that feeling. So the Kilt is just one extra bonus . Have fun at the wedding What are you planning to go for the honneymoon? My wife and I went to Moab and Mt. Biked We did bring the bikes!

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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